Sunday, November 28, 2010

If it Quacks Like a Duck ...

There was an interesting discussion going on over at Randy Hunt's blog this week.  It seems somebody took exception to certain acts of the former Community School Executive Council being called "illegal" in comments added by local Political Gadfly and Bass Fisherman Extraordinaire, Carl Johansen.

The person was apparently unwilling to post a response, so they must have lobbied Representative Hunt privately.

I applaud Randy for pointing out that the independent audit firm (which had been hired by the prior School Committee) had, in fact, highlighted an act of the former Executive Council which had, indeed, violated state law. And, as a result, he allowed Carl's comment to stand.

Pointing out who broke what law seems to have become a new parlor game around Town -- but, hey, a spade is a spade!

Randy pointed out that the Auditors cited the Community School for violating state procurement laws for signing a no-bid contract with a training firm.  I would, however, go one step further and point out that the Executive Council broke the law every time they approved a warrant for payment or signed an equipment lease.  As an unelected board (which included several town employees as members), the group had no legal spending authority -- and certainly no authority to bind the town to multi-year lease obligations.  The most recent audit report also specifically flagged this as an issue.  In fact, prior Town audit reports had also previously flagged the issue but it had been ignored each time.

The Exec Council was not alone in this transgression.  Prior School Committees ignored the issue (until a couple of us "arrogant bastards" started beating the drums!), and the Town Accountant apparently ignored the issue and paid the improperly-approved warrants.  Could it be a coincidence that so many people fought against doing a real audit of the Community School -- or doing something about the comments made by the Town's auditor?  Maybe because correcting a problem would require acknowledging there WAS a problem?

Now, to this toxic stew, add an elected School Committee member who was a former Community School Executive Council member AND is now a paid employee of then Community School !!   Then, throw in the Chair of the School Committee who was another long-time Executive Council member.  Does anybody still wonder why it has taken months to discuss the issues raised in the audit?

The audit issue could be resolved in 10 minutes if the Committee made the following statement, "The prior School Committee recognized the issues raised by this report for the year ending June 20, 2009 and, as a result, effective on July 1, 2009 disbanded the Executive Council and began taking a more direct supervisory role in the operation of the Community School -- as is required by law.  We look forward to working closely with the auditors on an on-going basis to ensure that all appropriate internal controls are implemented to properly protect the investments made by Sandwich taxpayers in their public school system."

But, that would mean first acknowledging there was a problem and THEN admitting that the restructuring of the Community School which began last year was neccesary, appropriate, and long overdue.


Anonymous said...

Maybe the person who "lobbied" Randy privately, is one of the same "anonymous whisperers" (the silent majority?) who whispered into Nancy Crossman's ear that Dr. Johnson is the root of all evil! Could be -- there's thousands of anonymous whisperers amongst us!

Anonymous said...

The rumor mill and small town political antics in Sandwich not only are catching up to us big time, but are in fact legend on the Cape and in the Commonwealth. The whisperers and back room attempts at deals continue to waste our money and our time. Is it any wonder we let a witch hunt derail our schools?

On another blog today a Harwich resident in speaking about the issue of regionalizing their schools with Chatham commented that the more divisiveness in the Chatham town government, the more disinterested he became in trying to work with them. He suggested they get their house in order before dragging Harwich into it. I certainly see his point.

However I did notice that a private citizen called a meeting in Chatham to discuss the resent firing of their Town Manager. The result, a recall movement for several Selectman. I wonder if Sandwich is at the point where someone, anyone needs to organize a meeting to literally talk about what to do with the SC?

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would add that among the many whisperers,we have many are not willing to be heard in public. Now that is if you believe in what severel of the elected School Committee have stated during various public venues./

One can understand the reasons why it is so conventient to just make a blanket comment. It is out of fear from the union [In my opinion] that they know no other way to explain what they have perpetrated againts the children of our school district.

It is out of fear that they have continued to hold the children of Sandwich as hostages in there contrivance as well.

The damage has been done and only time will allow any healing, but wait, they need to come forward and recognize the acts of self indulgances that got us to this place, we all find ourselves in now.

That would be the first step in this process of healing as a town and releasing the children from this hostage situation.

Anonymous said...

Its unusual to have such a big group of turkeys quacking like ducks... appears to be a cluster cluck !