Wednesday, November 03, 2010

No Surprises ...

As expected, the proposed Capital Debt Exclusion went down in flames.  I'm not saying it wasn't needed -- just saying that given the obvious mood of the electorate, it seemed pretty apparent it wasn't going to fly.

It's unfortunate that it may jeopardize state reimbursement for the school roof projects.  I would hope the School Committee would get a little more involved next time and propose the roofs as a separate article explicitly tied to the State reimbursement.  But -- the whole capital maintenance process has historically bypassed the School Department (not just this School Committee).

I have to assume that there will be an Override attempt in the Spring -- I would hope that establishing specific capital maintenance reserves would be part of that package.  Perhaps the BOS could propose  a local bylaw that REQUIRES a certain amount be reserved for Capital maintenance each year?  That may prevent future Boards from diverting maintenance funds to operations.  It will also force Boards and taxpayers to face drastic issues -- the biggest issue being that we can not spend what we do not have. 

It's a popular opinion that Jim Pierce's last minute "We have More Money Than You Think" tour of the PTA's and his BOS slideshow on SACAT did more harm than good.   Do we have money or don't we?   If the intent was to make folks more comfortable about raising their taxes now in advance of another (smaller than expected?) Spring override -- the effect was exactly the opposite.  The discussion badly eroded confidence in the original budget projection as people decided to sit back and let this mess work itself out.

It is crucial that the BOS finalize a budget projection, assign a dollar value to the school budget, and then outline what town services will  be eliminated to meet that budget.  The Schools can then determine what they will need to cut -- and the public can decide what (if anything) they want to pay for in the next Override.


Bob Guerin said...

Tax increases are not a management plan! The Board of Selectmen and Town Manager are on notice of this given yesterday's election results, I hope.

The Board of Selectmen and Town Manager have a lot of work and planning to do. Prioritized, targeted Operational spending reductions and real cost cutting needs to be initiated; a well documented Capital spending plan should also be a priority - the plan should not rely on tax increases! They may not materialize.

Its time for all Boards and Committees and the Town Manager to roll up their shirt sleeves and create an operating budget model that is able to provide core services AND is self sustaining on 3% annual revenue growth.

Anonymous said...

Scuttling this debt exclusion also came out of Buds mouth in regards to the plant closing. Saying that "we won't loose a penny..." if the lost tax revenue from the plant closing would then would be spread around to the remaining taxpayers. Doing nothing is not a plan and debt exclusions are also, not a plan. The voters overwhelmingly express this. Trouble is, is can this message be understood?

Anonymous said...

I agree -- as soon as I heard that Mirant was deemed "not a problem" and Pierce started talking about "found" money, I saw things differently and changed my vote.

It IS a problem if they want more money from me now, more in the Spring, and even MORE when Mirant goes away.

I still haven't heard what is going to be cut -- so far the schools have talked about 8 teachers --- I think that's about 20 less than what I hear is actually coming.

It is what it is -- there is no reason to stall .... you can not shine a sneaker.

Anonymous said...

The "thing" about Mirant is its' evaporation equals a 3 million dollar override with nothing to show for it.

Anonymous said...

And the CCT is now reporting that the Superintendent has filed a lawsuit against the Town, The School Committee, and Marshall, Kangas, Linehan & Crossman personally!

Everyone should have seen that coming!

Anonymous said...

That was long overdue on Dr. Johnson's part, how and why does she allow them to continue to destroy her reputation without just causes? I see a large buy out or maybe the town elected officials will just assign warrant numbers to each negligent lawsuit and have the taxpayers foot the bill for their stupidity. Time to fire the schools lawyer for not protecting the town better.

Anonymous said...

If it was the same lawyer that was involved with the Assistant Supt's case - he should be fired and then sued for malpractice & negligence -- if what I've been reading here is true.

Maybe his insurance will reimburse some of the loss to taxpayers?

Anonymous said...

Pop some popcorn for tonights meeting. Maybe the 4 women should start charging at the door and pay per view rate for the entertainment value they show at every meeting.
This hasn't been a laughing matter for months now why do the 4 of them appear completely oblivous to what they are doing to our school system and children?
So will our town insurance cover our town and the 4 women personally, even if they prove their termination was not for just cause. Why do the four have such a ax to grind against Dr. Johnson anyways?

Anonymous said...

The agenda is online -- another rousing evening of copier contract discussions is planned !!

Also -- the Supt's eval. How can they evaluate somebody they already decided to fire AND who has already filed suit against them? Sounds like another waste of time!

Should be fun to watch -- I hope the Witches of Eastwick have to pay for their own counsel to defend against MEJ's lawsuit!!

Anonymous said...

5:05 you mean Witches of Sandwich. Copiers? what about the 2.5 million budget deficit? Also the lawsuits they have to settle one way or another now. Hope the school legal counsel has plenty of liability insurance for giving bad legal advice not once, but twice now. Why have they not voted to terminate that attorney yet?

Anonymous said...

Alright... so they voted tonight to hire a Supt. search firm... but wait; Just minutes before SC Member Killion informed the Committed (oops Committee) of the lawsuit filed by Dr. Johnson's attorney.

Instead of delaying the vote on the search committee they decided to vote to hire (read this as - financial obligation) a search committee

Why not the common sense to face this issue head on have it settled legally once and for all?

I sure hope a judge decides on this quickly..

JTD said...

Maybe its just me but I thought Sherry said last night that she was unaware of the suit when Andrea made her motion.
This morning Sherry is quoted in the Cape Cod Times and the paper reports they called her and other Committee members Wednesday to discuss the suit.
Was Sherry confused last night or telling lies?
At least the other members (Crossman, Kangas and Linehan) knew enough to stay quiet.
Its the lack of character, not the lack of brains, that bothers me most.
These people are cheats, deceivers and manipulators.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker, spent last night watching the Union led School committee once again look like a group of uninformed,arrogant, spiteful people who do not give one tinkers damm about the school districts educational process for our most valuable commmodity. The Children of Sandwich.

I am sure that all four were aware of the suit filed on Monday, but they played mikey the dunce and continued to discusss the process about hiring a search team.

Now the questions would be,

What is the obligation once they sign a contract ?

How much money, are we speaking about?

What part of the budget will they be taking this money from?

Does the town side of the budget going to be picking up any of the financial burdan for this search committee?

After reading this mornings paper one gets the feeling that this whole unneeded process by the Union led school committee will have far reaching problems for the overall welfare of our town for years to come and it did not need to occur.

Spite,hidden adgenda,along with Union influence in my opinion will never be resolved until all four are replaced on this school committee.

The children will get to pay the bill, the town will get to see the dissmantling of what is presently a goal setting and example of what a modern school district should look like in todays economic world.

To the one on the end, that sits at every meeting like a bump on a log. You are correct you do not know nutting, because you continue to not open the nut and look inside for its value of educational nutrients.

All it takes is for one of the four to step up to the plate and reverese the vote, for the sake of the very reason you were voted into that position. Where is your courage? Where is your conviction for education? Where is your self worth as a person?

Gang bullying is the talk of the nation, but here in Sandwich we do not practice what we speak. We allow adults to practice what we are attempting to tell our children it is not legal and they get away with it. What a society we live in.

Anonymous said...

Don't you fret about how to pay for all the litigation, Jim Pierce, has assured us all that there's found money and we're good to go!

Anonymous said...

I think the comments by Dr. Johnson's lawyer in today CCTimes says it all, to paraphrase, "it is irresponsible of the SC to go ahead with the search with the pending legal action." What help is there for the people of Sandwich with decisions still comming from the SC that are not in the best interest of the Town?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon 8:12 am. Why can't they just take another vote and end this mess? They should be responsible for whatever this costs the town. They act like they're playing with monopoly money. Should be interesting to find out how much the search firm will cost us..... It probably be enough to replace some window at the police station.