Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Who's out there? Why ?

Useless data can be amusing -- I periodically review the stats for this site to see if I'm the only one reading it.  Surprisingly, I'm apparently not alone!

In addition to 40,000 + US hits, I also recently received almost 400 from Canada, and almost 100 each from Russia, Germany, Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

I also received another 100+ hits from China, Latvia, Slovenia and France.  (Please don't ask me to find Slovenia or Latvia on a map!!)

What do you suppose the Russians are thinking ?  (OK, besides -- "Damn, I must have typed the address in wrong!").    Maybe, "Hey, Boris, они все еще производится deficit говорим копия машин и игнорируя copy machine дефицит !)

What about the the Chinese?  Maybe, "Hey, Lee, 嘿,鲍,他们还是 Community School 谈论复印pool机和无视赤字"

The French probably said, "Hey, Pierre, C'est pas la matière grasse Fat Bastard salaud qui voulait annuler who wanted to cancel Classes de français?"

The Slovenians and the Latvians -- "Hey, Хтось купують buy that fool що обдурюють a map карту!"

The Canadians are probably a little easier, "Damn it's cold here, ay ?"

Regardless of WHAT they were thinking, I hope they bought a coffee mug -- or at least clicked the Amazon & Google links !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Or, how about from Rockland -- "They're all pickin' on me again ...".

Or from East Sandwich, "Hey, I gut nuthin!"