Monday, December 06, 2010

Thank You!

Dear Chief Russell:

I have always been relieved to live within a stone's throw of the Forestdale Station.  Over the past decade, we have had to call for help several times and the firefighters have always showed up quickly -- usually with additional help from the Police Department and, on one very snowy night, -- with the assistance of a very fast moving DPW plow!

Last Friday was one of those days that causes every parents; heart to skip a beat -- one of the kids had a seizure, collapsed without warning, and began convulsing on the floor.  An immediate call to 911 connected us to a dispatcher, far calmer than either of us, who talked us through the situation until the police and paramedics arrived, stabilized our son (---- and his parents!), and began the long run to the hospital.

Thankfully, he's doing well now -- and enjoying a few more days home from school!

Chief, I'm embarrased I didn't get the names of the firefighters, dispatcher, or police officer that helped us last Friday morning.  But, I hope you will tell them how much we appreciate all their good work. 

Thank you again,

Bob & Wendy Simmons


Anonymous said...

Bob, Larry Machado, Andrew Davison, and Tammy Pimentel were the firefighters and the very calm dispatcher was Kathy Keene, glad your son is doing well.

Bob Simmons said...

Thank you very much to all of them -- and to Officer Mike Hoadley from the SPD who joined the crowd in my kitchen that morning!

(I also apologize for the bathrobe - I wasn't expecting company!)