Monday, March 21, 2011

Fan Mail !

I am completely disgusted at the behavior of those that run this blog. But truly its nothing new on this blog! If one is on your side boy oh boy then you post and give credit but when they arent and whenthey don't side and/or write among your beliefs they get thrown to the wolves and get mugs named after them! But boy how a tune can change when they write an article that is among your beliefs! Do you might just think he and/or others are just stating and writingfacts and and not trying to side with one or the other!!


And, for you my friend, the NPTA Editorial Staff has collaborated to produce THIS special mug:


Bob Guerin said...

Let me guess, the post was signed by Anonymous, right?
Must be from a really smart someone if they’re just realizing that this blog has a bias.
Who knew that friends of pedophiles and poolies were so easily offended?

Ben Lear said...

There's nothing wrong with having an opinion -- especially when you display it honestly and consistently.

The CCT reporting may be better (this week) --- but the editorials are still the most biased pieces of crap I've ever seen --- this blog is certainly no more biased than those jackasses.

You guys don't need to pretend to be impartial.

Proud Parent of SHS Swimmers said...

My kids are swimmers. Participating in a sport in high school has been very important to them. So I'm proud to be a 'poolie' and I feel very lucky that we have a pool in our high school. I would hate to see the pool close because we are cutting their hours and thus their potential revenue. That said, I understand the concern. My kids take gym during school too. What I don't understand is why the Superintendent would not allow programs to continue if the pool patrons do not have access to the locker rooms. If patrons are willing to change in the pool office or just throw on sweats and head home to change and shower, then that seems to address the problem. I also think there could be other, better solutions if we allow a group to do some research. What bothers me about this whole thing is the lack of willingness to have a reasonable discussion about what we can do to solve this problem.

Anonymous said...

"I would hate to see the pool close because we are cutting their hours and thus their potential revenue."

In other words ... "I am willing to risk your kids ... as long as it doesn't impact what I have to pay for my kids' hobby."

"lack of willingness to have a reasonable discussion" Hmmm .... where have I heard that before?

Anonymous said...

Wow -- Bob are forcing this poor soul to sit down every morning over coffee and listen to you read your blog aloud! Geesh, maybe someone should teach this person how to log onto another site. The freedom to speak what you believe is what makes our country great. Of course that also, gives people to freedom to "not read" what you are not interested in as well! Keep writing, Bob. We love your humor and agree with most of your opinions. PS: what kind of koolaid do you think they fill that pool with anyway?

Anonymous said...

I am a proud parent of a swimmer too, but I am happy we are going to face changing policy that is out of step with the modern times. In addition, I think the students deserve not to have to mingle with adults from the public during the school day let alone strangers. How about putting all the kids first, not just the swimmers and not take any further risk to their safety. I don't think the pool will close and I don't think anyone wants to close it. It is very shocking to see how distorted people's thinking can become because of their agendas. One step at a time. If we take care of this and build a program that is based in safety we are building a better school system and a better town. Forget the integrity of that and just think of the overall benefit to the town.

Anonymous said...

To Proud Parent,

My response to you is to consider the fact that the pedophiles are not just in the locker room. They are sitting on the bleachers watching your children swim. It is insane to think that random people had access to the pool and locker room during school hours. I have to imagine that we would have to search far and low before finding this to be a common practice at a school setting.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting my comment as I didn't think it would be. But I must ask, you must of been looking in the mirror when you took the picture.....cause basically that is what you said to the town people at large when you held your secret meeting with your groupies last year!!

Bob Simmons said...

I have groupies!! Cool!!

I wish I knew where my "secret meeting" was -- was everybody wearing their tinfoil hats? Were there secret passwords or handshakes?

(We will now return to our standard practice of ignoring the idiots!)

Bob Guerin said...

I think its curious that so many of the most often anonymous defenders of the status quo at the pool choose to tell very personal, very specific anecdotes of how and why the pool is good for them, their children or a spouse.

Almost every single argument offered on behalf of leaving things alone at the pool come from people with well-defined, specific and obvious self interests.

On the other side of the debate, school administrators, police and safety professionals, concerned parents and taxpayers offer arguments for change that focus not on themselves, or some obvious and immediate personal interest, but instead center squarely on the well being and safety of unnamed others – school children.

How ironic that the Communities’ tax-payer owned and operated pool has become a threat to the community.

And, how bizarre that a select, small and self interested band of individuals has come to dominate and control this community asset.

Perhaps its time to rename the pool?

Clearly, it’s no longer the Community Pool. Perhaps, it never was.

Anonymous said...

anon 10:43. I hardly call a meeting that Sherry Marshall asked for on camera, announced on camera, given notice in the most read local papers, announced through rebroadcast of the meeting over and over again, a secret meeting. How ridiculous. Funny it was only considered a secret meeting by Ms. Marshall after the election when and and Ms. Linehan discovered they had a new majority, with which to carry out getting rid of Dr. Johnson. Truly ridiculous, but Bob having groupies, I can see that.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would add that those outside of our town who have decided to use our pool should pay at least $100 dollars more on the yearly ticket and double on the daypass that we the taxpayers get to subsidize. I am sure the finacial drain would soon go away and resolve all by itself.

Those that fail to realize the impact on children by allowing nude adults to mix with nude children are smoking some funny stuff in my opinion. It is time for these folks to get into the real world of pedifiles