Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fox 25 Coverage of Pool Discussion


Son of Flipper said...

Great -- We needed more publicity. This should drive up real estate values!

I believe the reporter mangled the story --- isn't the issue shared locker rooms ... not shared bathrooms?

Anonymous said...

The bathrooms came up over and over by Ms. Kangas and Ms. Crossman who suggested adults could use bathrooms outside the locker rooms. In fact they kept talking about the bathroom "facility" in the pool office. I think that is one toilet. Frankly I found it disturbing and disgraceful that the two women kept trying to keep the status quo of adults in the locker rooms during school hours with the students. It is irrational. This has been going on forever, many parents have tried to address it with no success over the past decade, now it is out in the open and the policy needs to change. Clearly Ms. Kangas and Ms. Crossman have left little doubt after last nights meeting that their agenda is not about the welfare of our kids or our town.

I think Ms. Gaffney is a lovely woman but the agreement made in 1972 is
irrational. The town was around 4,000 folks in 1972. We are 23,000 now. It seems to me that the SC can look at other schools with pools who allow or don't allow adults in their pool areas during the school day and check for policy.

Trish Lubold said...

9:11 Would you rather a sexual assault on one of our school children? Many parents over the years have complained about this wide open showers and several administrators ignored them and swept it all under the rug.

Since this board only listens to the voices in their heads and Comm. School pool people it was time to call the media, the media sometimes is the only way to keep people honest and behaving properly. I was hoping that several parents would have voiced their concerns last night but no parents showed up.
I know that retaliation does occur my children suffered from it while i was a board member, but doing nothing is just unacceptable.

Anyone out there want to speak with the media please call me and I will give you the contact person. my cell: 774 313 9535

Remember: The triumph of evil is successful only by the inactions of men.

The successful termination of Dr. Johnson is a result of the inactions by taxpayers, parents and teachers.

You all watch how the new superintendant will jump as high as Sherry and Comm. School people tell them to jump. Collect the paycheck and get little or nothing done. This current board is jettisoning us right back to 1972.

Anonymous said...

screw real estate values flipper....we need to keep out KIDS SAFE!!!!! Doesnt anyone get that???

Anonymous said...

Many people get that we need to keep our kids safe. This is a no brainer. Over the years parents have tried to get administrators to see reason but the status quo won out because of who was serving on the school committee and the power of the Community School plus other factors like parts of organization, (especially dysfunctional organizations) being territorial. It is easier to just keep the status quo. There are more choices for the adult crowds, there is revenue to be considered when you are trying to make enough profit to pay for 13-15 employees, etc. Regardless, the time has come at last to face this bad policy and change it. With scheduling it can work out. Adults will likely have more select times during the day to swim, times when there are no students using the locker room. Until the new schedule is worked out, it is best to shut it down. I would bet big money that you would be hard pressed to find another school that allows such a practice. When it's all said and done everyone can use the pool, just differently!

Anonymous said...

Doesn't Trish Lubold live in

Trish Lubold said...

3:36 I do live in sagamore Beach but still pay my taxes on Sandwich so that gives us the right to still be involved and vote in Sandwich.
I stay involved because one of my children still attend Sandwich schools and will for 6 more years.

Don't waste your time worrying about my involvement atleast im not protecting the naked adults and comm. school over the kids interests. We all need to worry more about our school system #1, ridding the naked adults from the kids shower rooms.

Electing two new school comm members in May is job #1 for all of us.