Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Some Financial Perspective...

It's amusing that some of the most ardent critics of the School Department's efforts to restructure pool operations come from "foreign" zip codes --- Barnstable, Mashpeee, Falmouth, etc.

An outside, independent audit showed that the Community School lost $180,000 for the year ended June 30, 2009.  Of that amount, $129,000 was related to pool operations. This means that the Community School had to dip into their cash reserves to fund the deficit.  This cash reserve had been generated (in part) from the "profits" generated by the Pre-School Program, Drivers Ed, Adult Ed., etc.

This reserve had also been built up through the rental of School facilities AND because the School District had been paying the bulk of Pool utility costs for years.  Both of these items were funded by the taxpayers of Sandwich through the School District budget.  (Not surprisingly, once the Community School began paying for their utilities, they began losing money.  Reality sucks.)

All of this has been hashed and re-hashed previously.  The point is -- the taxpayers of Sandwich have been  investing in the operation of the pool -- yet it's the residents of other Towns that are among the loudest complainers!  

The Community School charges nothing extra for non-resident 10 visit pool passes, and only $10/year extra for non-resident annual memberships.  What did you pay for a non-resident Barnstable beach sticker?

Maybe there is a reason their own towns don't have taxpayer-subsidized swimming?

What makes anyone think they are entitled to have the Sandwich taxpayers subsidize their hobby?


Mrs. Beasley said...

Bob, I'd say that sense of entitlement and arrogance comes directly from many of the Sandwich leaders themselves. Look at Kangas and Crossman. For the love of all that's good, Crossman is an employee who spoke out vehemently against this new "safety" policy at the last SC meeting. I'd say it's time the BOS revoked her "special employee" status and give her a good taste of reality. Don't you remember last year the uproar from the Zumba patrons. You would have thought you were asking them to "borrow" a kidney! It's a small minority of people with too much time on their hands that raise the most ruckus. The super made the right decision -- let's move on. You've given the crazies enough air time. They even complain about you and yet everyday, they tune in and comment about how despicable you and your blog patrons are. I choose not to read certain writers opinion pieces in the local rags, I suggest they do the same. Food for thought!

Parent and taxpayer said...

Take a look at the editorial in the Cape Cod Times this morning. It supports new policy about the pool. Thank you Cape Cod Times for putting this in the context of the 2003 High School accreditation report and for your other observations.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!!!!!! The cape cod times got one RIGHT!!!!!!!