Monday, March 21, 2011

You can't make this stuff up ...

I have had countless disagreements with the CCT over the years -- and I'm still convinced that the editors have their heads so far up their (deleted) that they will never see daylight -- but I think reporters George Brennan and Cynthia McCormick have nailed this issue with three good articles this week.  This is not a new problem -- and it is not the result of just one parent's complaint -- people have been complaining for years.   This is just the first time that a Superintendent has had the (guts) to try to fix the problem.  (They can't fire her twice can they?)

Sex offender warns of adult access to pools

By George Brennan
March 21, 2011

He would go to a pool like the one at Sandwich High School and leer at children getting dressed in their bathing suits. It's how he got started as a sexual predator, a life that ultimately led to possessing child pornography, indecent assault and battery charges and registering as a Level 3 sex offender.

The man reached out to the Times and agreed to tell his story if the newspaper promised not to use his name.

The high school in the town where he grew up had a pool similar to Sandwich's. He would go into the locker rooms, sit and watch children and teens undress.  (Continued ...)


Anonymous said...

Does this mean you are no longer offering "George The Weasel" coffee mugs?

Anonymous said...

Hey if George changes his ways for the good of the children then we must discontinue those weasel mugs.

Finally someone from the papers seeing the insanity and exposing the crazy school board members trying to rationalize naked adults showering next to our naked children.

Anonymous said...

I say thanks to George and the Cape Cod Times for putting a serious face on this long overdue risky policy. It is still almost unbelievable that the two new school committee members defended it.

NPTA Sales Division said...

Yes, the "George The Weasel" coffee mugs have been discontinued and replaced with a new line of "I flashed at the Sandwich Community Pool" mugs.

Son of Flipper said...

There's a letter from a COTUIT swimmer in the CCT this AM claiming that he's effectively being "accused" of being a molester.

Dial down the drama and get a grip, Lester! You're not being accused of anything.

99.9% of people will not steal from me or harm me, yet I lock my car, my house, my desk, my files, and my guns -- not because I'm accusing anybody of anything -- but because I feel strongly about protecting what I own.

Those are just possessions --- I feel far more strongly about protecting my kids.

Am I concerned that it may inconvenience some completely unknown person(s) from another Town who wants to come into my kids' school (which I pay for -- not him!) to use the pool during the day?

Not in the least! Stay home in Barnstable and join the Y!!

I'm amazed this has been going on for so long. I am even more amazed that anybody could defend the practice.

Truthy Tom said...

Where but Sandwich can the Superintendent of Schools and Principal of the High School make a recommendation regarding school safety, a recommendation that was echoed by the Chief of Police and be second guessed by biased, conflicted committee members, including: Marie Kangas, Sherry Marshal, Jess Linehan and Nancy Crossman?
Today, a real-life, admitted and convicted pedofile also sounds a cautionary note to the Sandwich community regarding school safety and pool safety. Is anybody listening?
Voters and taxpayers should take note.
Is it any wonder the Selectman are now also on record as questioning the judgement and effectiveness of Marie Kangas, Sherry Marshal, Jess Linehan and Nancy Crossman?
These four have made clear that they wont listen to teachers. Wont listen to taxpayers. Wont listen to the Administration. Wont listen to the Selectmen. Wont listen to parents.
Just who is that Marie Kangas, Sherry Marshal, Jess Linehan and Nancy Crossman listen to?
Apparently, in Sandwich if you want to be listened to and represented by the School Committee you’d better be a community pool member in good standing.

Anonymous said...

Well said Truthy Tom. I say let the cliques rule the schools and the town. If it was good enough for 1972, it's good enough for us now.