Monday, August 23, 2010

The Halifax Rule ...

When I was a kid, we used to have what we called "The Halifax Rule" -- the premise being that anything repeated multiple times on Nana's porch in Halifax must be true ... no matter how outlandish it may have seemed.

Last year, we had a similar phenomenon at School Committee meetings when a particularly ill-informed citizen used to get in front of the camera and ramble on about lists of numbers of which she had absolutely no understanding -- nor to the best of our understanding, had she ever made any effort to get an explanation. (For our amusement, when she was off-camera, she also used to heckle the Committee, make faces, and generally act like a third grader in need of medication.)

The problem was, she chanted her nonsense so often that she appeared to be credible.  While anybody who knew what was going on laughed at her -- those who weren't paying attention assumed she knew what she was talking about. Their mistake!

I have no tolerance for people who claim to represent the public but make no effort to gain an understanding of the issues involved and who see meetings only as a chance to play for the camera.

The goal of this space is to present what I believe to be the facts and to attempt to resolve the misinformation and clarify the rumors which swirl around Town like flies on ... well, you know. Readers may not agree with me -- that's fine. But the huge number of good people I have worked with over the past few years know that I've got no axe to grind -- except with the uneducated, misinformed malcontents who threaten to harm my kids' educations, ruin my property value, or waste my tax dollars in order to protect their own self-interests.

THAT is why some anonymous comments submitted to this site have begun to dissappear into that data abyss reserved for emails containing the phrases "Nigerian Lottery" and "male enhancement".  I'm not going to help perpetuate lies, rumors, and deliberate misstatements by publishing them to be read by the 6 people who read this site regularly (OK, "6" is an understatement -- the numbers are good!)

An argument should certainly be made that public debate requires that  all opinions be heard.  The reality is all opinions can be heard -- any idiot can start a blog (Go ahead, say it!).  But, nowhere does it say anybody is required to support the dissemination of undocumented rumors, or deliberate misinformation.

One last point:

The members of the school committee are unpaid volunteers (contrary to the lie widely told by members of a certain local sports organization with big balls) who were legally and fairly elected by the voters.  I may disagree with some of their choices -- but that's fine ... they may even disagree with mine (?).  They are, however, the choice of a majority of the people who showed up to vote.

It's irrelevent WHAT motivated those voters to show up (Ironically, over the past two years, they have voted in some folks who never bothered to vote themselves!)  --- the fact is they showed up!

I do have a huge problem with those who did not bother to invest 10 minutes in improving their town.  They certainly have the right not to vote ... but I certainly have the right to ignore their comments.


Anonymous said...

I keep reading over and over and over again about voter apathy. It is the same tired argument...........uninformed electorate. I dare say if a small voter turnout votes for your guy/gal, informed voters. Vote against your guy/gal? Uninformed voters. If there isn't a better illustration to rally the voters to get out an exercise their right, it is in this recent SC vote. I remain engaged in town politics, I attend meetings and I vote. Quit the crying about low voter turnout and learn a lesson.

Your friend....a non ee mouse

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker finds the Halifax rule an interesting thought as to why the leader of the present Union leader of our teachers union managed to sway the outlook with 4 committee members or was it the other way around? Now dors that apply to the Board Of Selectman as well? We keep hearing we need an override, because for what ever reason, but can we find another way to resolve the problem. How about we start to determine how much profit the insurance companies make from our fair town and if we could get a reduction in all of these charges.Why do we need to purchase our insurance in a state venture that caters to a large profit for those who supply the insurance?
Why not a little more competition from outside of the state body that actually is benifitting the insurance company thay have made a deal with.

How about the comment made that states the schools problems are the schools? Absolutly it is a school problem that 4 members of the school committee decided to void a legal and binding contract, but it will be a town wide problem when these same four insist on funding a law suit from hard earned taxpayers dollars.
The board of Selectman need to stop saying it is not there problem, because if they lose , we, you and I will need to find another $400,000 to pay for this arrogance to enforce a vendetta that is every ones concern, when it comes to will be paying the bill.

Anonymous said...

The lesson to be learned is that the apathetic voters need to be motivated to get off their ass and work towards fixing the problem they created.

Unless, maybe they don't see a problem?

Maybe the approaching implosion of the local school district may cause them to take their head out of the sand?

We could pretend there were no problems (like so many do) but than things would get worse .. and people could be surprised again next year .... when they get "even worser".

MoreoftheSame said...

How about a Do Whatever You Want But Do It In the Light of Day Rule?

I am growing tired of these so called workshops that are never televised and almost never reported by the newspapers. Why don’t any of the chuckleheads on the Committee object to this workshop nonsense? How come all the campaigners for open, public discussions now want to hide from view and scrutiny? Apparently, the teams change but not the rules. Now its Marshal, Kangas, Crossman and Linehan hiding from us taxpayers.

Lets get the cameras rolling, invite the press and then discuss pool costs, superintendent searches, whatever.

I say: Do Whatever You Want But Do It In the Light of Day.

Anonymous said...

Vegas Bet that the reasons for these budget workshops will be for the purpose of scapegoating super Johnson again with the press and taxpayers. They will say she budgeted all wrong and now we need a 2.4 million override.
Even though anyone that can figure out projected budgets, could have projected the override over a year ago. Schools go up 6% every year with contractual agreements, after twenty years Sherry still hasn't grasp that concept.
Once parties are in litigation, no one should be trusted without witnesses and every meeting with the super and committee should be in front of the public and cameras. The Fab four have set Dr. Johnson up a many times already behind closed doors. The Witch hunters are frothing at the mouth to get Dr. Johnson now since they know litigation has begun. Sit back and watch this happen next! $100. bucks says im right!

Anonymous said...

Don't think you are going to get any "apathetic" voter to join in by insulting them. Clearly the push, pull, push back philosophy is working so well for us here in Sandwich.

Anonymous said...

I agree -- NO off-camera workshops. We need to see what these people are talking about. I suspect they have absolutely no friggin idea of what they're talking about (I watched Kangas & Linehan ramble on last year -- it's obvious they have no clue.)

I understan why the minority may think its hopeless -- but they need to push thees fools to get budget discussions where people can see them on TV.

I would luv to see what wisdom Jess & marie bring to this proess.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about pushing & pulling -- but the people who stayed home caused this problem and now many of them are bitching for it to be fixed.

If they want it to get worse, they should stay home again.

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:53 Can it really get any worse? That's right the S.C. took the summer off, want to do workshops (i.e. set up the super to take the override fall) have been hiding from the public after firing the super with no cause but love her programs? S.C. members have not mentioned a word about the 2.4 override they will need for the schools. The sooner you deal with an issue the sooner you can resolve it! Maybe they should consider shutting down one of the schools, laying off many teachers and consolidating resources to close the gap? Surrounding towns have had to close schools maybe this is the answer for Sandwich.

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:41
I don't know how you close one of the schools when two are still using portable classrooms because of overcrowding. I agree that the last three months have been a complete waste of time for the SC as we face a budget from hell. It does seem they are hiding from the public. But that is the insanity of our part time government when it comes to our elected and appointed members.

Get it all on the cameras, I agree. But that would take our local television being able to accomdate that. The SC chair would probably have to request it or a citizen. That still doesn't change the leadership issue. Majority side of SC or minority side, where is it?

Many don't consider SC members coming after each other as one did toward Linehan, leadership. Seems like many seem to think parents, voters, etc are going to do it for them. I think both sides have given up truly leading the community through this. They think they are doing something by choosing sides. The lack of meetings during the summer in consideration of the challenges facing the schools and the town are truly mind boggling, but it is tradition here. The individual is suppose to work two, three jobs, whatever it takes to solve their financial problems, but local politicians lack the same work ethic.

So next week at the workshop session and the SC meeting who will show up. If Bob's estimate is right and only 7 people read this blog, I would expect at least 7 engaged citizens will be at both meetings.

Anonymous said...

do any of you who write negative comments about the sc members or the person mentioned in this particular "blog" know them at all or their intentions - it appears that what you write is just your "personal" opinion that in of themselves bear no facts - i assume you have talked to the people you bad mouth and know for a fact that they don't care and that they have no idea what they are doing - you claim that they rant and rave about stuff they know nothing about - once again people writing in are the pot calling the kettle black - show some proof about what you say and then i may join you on your vicious bandwagon - until then i have to assume the people who are on the sc want to be there for the reasons they provided and not the ones you all contrive to be true

Bob Simmons said...

We had a couple of anonymous posts that came in this afternoon which sounded waaaaay too much like some Public Forum comments from last year. Many allegations -- few facts (and even fewer capital letters!). Rather than help spread misinformation ... I'm going to hit the "No thank You" button -- I am sure the "author" will soon have access to a local cable camera so readers can put a face with the "wisdom".