Several members don't seem to hear anything that other people say. They are so intent on reading their pre-written "talking points" that they don't even notice that their "questions" had already been clearly addressed.
What's worse is that their "questions" don't seem to end with question marks -- they sound more like rambling soundbites which usually include a varied collection of very sincere-sounding, but generally meaningless phrases.
Tonight's meeting was painful. I have sat through more entertaining root canals. I have never seen so much time spent saying or accomplishing so little.
They still couldn't even agree on the minutes of the June 16 meeting. Strangely, it seems the names of many of the Superintendent's supporters who spoke out at Public Forum may have disappeared from the latest version of the minutes. Ironically, an earlier version of the minutes may have included numerous member comments about the Superintendent's contract which nobody remembered actually hearing. Those might be interesting minutes to compare to the video -- if the minutes ever get released!
The Best line of the night may have been from Mrs. Killion who pointed out that they had spent far more time discussing -- but not voting on -- a new consolidated copier/printer contract (that would greatly reduce costs) than they did discussing the Superintendent's contract!
The other classic exchange came from Teacher/Parent/Taxpayer Maureen Wiklund who made it clear she was tired of being ignored by certain members who chose to shuffle papers rather than listen to the members of the public who came up to speak to them.
The funniest line of the night (other than any time Linehan said "I understand") was from Kangas who again claimed she may not have violated Open Meeting Law because nobody responded to her illegal email. Suprisingly, she apparently STILL hasn't read the AG's Guide to Open Meetings (Page 2) which says:
E-mail exchanges between or among a quorum of members of a public body discussing matters within the body’s jurisdiction may constitute deliberation, even where the sender of the email does not ask for a response from the recipients."
No words of wisdom on the budget outlook yet. The Superintendent invited the Town Manager to the next Committee meeting to try to explain the budgetary facts of life to them. (Bud --- talk slow, use small words and lots of pictures!). BUT -- the next meeting isnt scheduled until September.
blah, blah, blah ...
MEJ says she aint leavin'. Well, that should settle things or as the rental car commercial says, "Not exactly...."
You can't make this stuff up
I watched at home and it truly was painful and such an embarrasment for the town. I think one of the highlights was the discussion yet again about the people who came to Ms. Crossman with complaints about Dr. Johnson. To think that Ms. Crossman actually thinks she is acting like an adult and doing her job for the town by putting gossip mongering before due dilligence and ethical mature behavior is such a sad statement about the town's misery in their "small town thing" and its effect. Well we know how to get things done now. Go in secret to Ms. Crossman.
Freedom of information would give us those names. I'm sure we'll find some personal vendettas among the complainers. judging from all the gossip I've heard that isn't true, we may even find some lies. At this point I wish someone had the guts to go after the truth so the rest of us can get a clue.
Must be pertty lonely up on that "save the town from Dr. Johnson pedtestal." But the view of the schools going down the tubes, the trust of many parents and teachers continuing to erode, the financial stability of the schools going down the toilet, the housing prices going furthter down, the reputation of the town, the fear of being the next witch burned at the stake, the signs warning folks not to move to Sandwich going up from the same pedestal must be very good too...like watching a movie.
The SC still doesn't want to actually work this through for the good of the town. The gang of four and their powerful background puppet masters are determines to shove everyones face in their new found power and they have their principals, which clearly have no relationship to true leadership. To heck with the oath they took. Of course poor dears really don't get this at all. Sherry is the mystery. After all these years, one would think she had more going on then mouthpiece for a gang. But absolute power corrupts and I think we are seeing a example of this. Perhaps we are see the push back from a couple of years of this.
This group needs a mediator and fast. The contract issue was well developed last night. The fact that the group refuses to get a legal ruling in my view is clearly grounds for recall. Tell me what applicant except the hand picked ones I know are out there from nearby, would even apply in this situation. We are going to live in this insanity for months maybe even years.
Bobby, once again we saw what corruption we have among the present four school committee members who once again simply disregard the children for there own vendatta. All four continue to show, just cause, to have every one of them recalled. Here we are in the middle of a financial budget crisis and apparently that has no bearing on how these four brain damaged members continue to flaunt the power they presently believe they have.
One does not need to be a rocket scientist to see that they think that by grandstanding that this problem will simply vanish into thin air.
Good luck on that one
The Truth Maker
Mr. Simmons--I've lived in Sandwich for nearly a decade and have three children in the schools. I've been neutral in this whole matter until I watched the SC meeting last night. Suffice to say that any resident in town who wants our schools to be models of educational leadership ought to be embarrassed by our SC. Their position in the contract dispute is on the wrong side of legal facts and the town will pay for their arrogance. Beyond that issue, the meeting was a farce and it is clear from their commentary that some members should not be in a position of responsibility regarding our schools. I don't think the Chair, Mrs. Kangas, or Mrs. Linehan have the intellectual capacity for their positions. They are surely not educational or organizational leaders. To watch them in action is to see small town politics at its worst: they assume they know what they're doing and have enough supporters to put them in a position of authority. But if they will hold onto their positions, they will keep our schools as mediocre centers of learning. It's too bad, as a great town like this could be a leader in Massachusetts instead of a joke. Could you do the residents of this town and keep us updated on when the next elections take place and who is up and when? And could we work on drumming up interest among true leaders in town.
Oh, Where to start! It is clear the only way to end this is with a recall!
Marshall and Linehan can be recalled now and Crossman and Kangas in November-an early Christmas present perhaps!
We need 25 signatures to start and approx 3,800 in one month? Any one have clarifications? Any group willing to take-up this cause?
It is obvious to any one who watched last night the chair and her majority have no regard for the law, the budget, the taxpayers, the staff or children.
This budget is already in a shortfall of 2 million.The majority of the budget is staff salaries and benefits, if their is another law suit,and more strain on this budget the only outcome will be the letting go of more staff!
Does any one else want to get off this merry-go-round?
Why have a meeting when nothing gets done. I agree a recall is order. Kudos to Dr. Johnson for fighting for her job. Her shot across the bow was an eye opener for the group of four.
Why get a mediator, when we have a group that has no interest in the children of this town. Where do I sign the recall papers, I will be the first in line.
This reminds me of the Balloon Boy story... Mom and Dad were tight lipped and were going to make $ thousands selling there story and get a reality TV show.... remember... then there son, unknowingly said, "Daddy told me to say..."
Right now, I am certain our tight lipped Chairperson, with decades of experience is extremely mindful of her actions and comments
However, some of the newbies on the Committee continue to be reckless with there words , emails , etc.
I suggest that if one of them mis-steps (again) and reveals there true motive behind there actions or in-actions (not seeking a judge ruling) either with a soundbite or errant email then this whole thing will explode
Chairperson may need to be reminded that the Law only protects her when acting within her scope of duties... when someone reveals evidence of a motive, this could be a violation of civil rights and the Chairperson may find herself in front of a judge...
I agree with all the previous posts. Anon 8:26 puts it very well. Anon 9:45 hits the nail on the head. There is nothing legal about a vote that breaks the law. It is irrational and irresponsible for the majority 4 members of the SC to continue to dig in their heals. It is a violation of their oath to office.
To clarify -- The Town Charter has only a partial description of the recall process and refers readers to Chapter 408 of the Acts of 1987 (see link on left side of screen)for the remainder.
Actual requirements are more daunting:
10 Voters petition Clerk to prepare a formal petition(OK, that's easy)
THEN 25% of voters (aprox 3500)sign petition and return within 20 days (tougher)
THEN at least 40% of voters (approx 6,000) turn-out for recall election to be held within 60-100 days of submission (damn near impossible)
Of course, even if the recall election gets combined with an Override election in order to get the neccesary numbers -- the bigger question is -- Who would run for the seat? There's no point in talking about a recall unless there's a more qualified person willing to run.
There's no point in wasting the time and money replacing 1 dope with a second dope -- or worse the same dope!
One can hope that the lessons learned from this group would translate. Though I do see your point, I disagree that you have to find someone first to run before you proceed with a recall movement. We are at a tipping point. Surly people have now seen the disaster that can happen when people with no leadership skill set are put in a leadership position. I think one thing that keeps good candidates away is not having time or wanting to spend time trying to do good work with ill matched peers. If we send the ill suited folks into early retirement we may be able to salvage the integrity of the committee. Though I realize small town politics and volunteer policy makers is a very difficult nut to crack.
Marrying an override question to a recall questoin is wishful thinking and poor political strategy in my opinion. The critical nature of the lack of leadership on the School Committee merits attention on its own. As goes our schools, so goes our community.
It is ridiculous to think we can become an upscale community or that we will continue to thrive if we let our schools die on the vine. Everyone needs to wake up about this issue. Just based on what I'm reading today, I think people are beginning to.
The complete lack of interest the majority of the SC had last night in making sure they were making a legal and resonsible choice was astounding to many and that will grow.
In my experience it does no go to "annoint" a candidate. WE actually have a very good example of that sitting on the SC right now.
I hope to God the previous poster is NOT a graduate of the Sandwich Public Schools!
It’s a little hard to understand but ...........is the All Caps poster really suggesting that the Fab 4 isn’t disclosing why they’ve fired the Superintendent because their answers will help justify a lawsuit for wrongful termination?
And, is the All Caps poster really suggesting that prior School Committees contributed to this “problem” because.......they hired the Superintendent in the first place?
I think somebody is puting you on ... nobody could be as stupid as she sounds.
7:25 poster writing abilities is a clear example of why we need MCAS testing, teacher evaluations and teacher certifications. Poster 7:25 is the result of the days when the schools had no tools to hold teachers accountable for what they were teaching the students. For years basic english, writing and math skills were not demanded and students were just passed along. MCAS testing, teacher evals and requiring teaching certifications are tools to maintain some basic standards for our childrens' education.
U.S. Teachers unions are following right behind the car industry unions, greed killed the car industry. Many schools across the U.S are failing, why? GREED. Laura Carlisle SEA Pres. fights accountability tooth and nail, she doesn't give a rats a s how it affects our childrens education. How does Ms. Carlisle in good conscious file grievances to protect drunk and uncertified teachers in our schools? Our childrens educations are already in peril with the messes created in just a few short months. Power does corrupt.
Rational thinking would be to hire a specialized contract lawyer or judge to review the past few months meetings and Dr. MEJ's signed contract. Didn't the school legal counsel advise the committee they could either accept or reject the D.A's opinion? School counsel specializes in education issues not contract laws. Spend a few thousand now in order to save the town hundreds of thousands in a lawsuit and damages down the road. This is a no brainer and will stop the controversy so the district can move forward one way or another.
Anonymous 10:08 is right on. The SC should do the right thing now to avoid litigation and financial penalties to the town. That would also allow the district to move forward and perhaps even effect some change to the culture of the district. If in fact SC members are not being honest and forthcoming about their reasons for letting Dr. Johnson go because they know it could fuel a lawsuit, then yes, it would seem their reasons are discrimitory and against the law. Anon 8:35 raises a very good point.
To the three minority SC members:
Do you need to have the whole committee's consent to bring the contract issue to a judge?
As a single member can you contact the AG's office?
I understand that it is uncomfortable to act alone but i don't think there is much of a choice.This SC is a lame duck and it will never gain the support of the voters,should the schools need them.
Reconciliation, in the purist form of the word, is the ONLY way to move forward. Otherwise, let the absolute imaturity continue.
I hope there is a way for an individual SC member to pursue some justice. After all members are elected as individuals and take their oath of office as an individual. The idea the the group can inhibit an individual member's attempt to do the right thing seems out dated, old fashioned and part of the small town political thinking that keeps creating these messes.
9:39 poster that is by far the best idea yet! Cahill, Susko and Killion our elected officials should call the A.G. office and have them render a decision on how the violation of open meeting affects MEJ's signed contract. Their oath should hold them to protecting and advocating for our school children by securing a resolution now. They can fix this mess by asking the A.G.'s office and if that doesn't work then pay a few thousand to be advised by a contract lawyer or judge. The district needs this settled before the school year starts!
The Truth Maker, is wondering if our present school committee understands the individual role they can play when you have a majority of four brain damaged memebers who have violated the public trust that they all swore to uphold?
This process is not about the children of the school district, it is about who has the power to say NO. The majirity win that battle for now , however the war is not over and as every one knows, no matter how hard you fight we will always have some casualities. The casualities for now are our children, who are being used as pawns in this game of chess between the Union leader and the four members of this disfunctional school committee. As in most battles some are lost and some are won, but those that have the best brain powers generally win the war.
It would seem that these four are winning, but winning can become a fleeting moment when it comes to the final war.
Let us all hope that Dr. Johnson, a daughter of Constitution of the United States will prevale in the present battle of wits, before the brain damaged four do any more damage to our school district then what they allready have done.
A judge will decide one case and the taxpayers will judge the other four, in a recall, that is sure to initiate a little interest around the town of Sandwich
I was sick to my stomach when I read today's editorial in the Cape Cod Times. It makes no sense at all except that it supports the reporter that seems to have a personal vendeta against Johnson, Young before her, and the town for some reason. It also supports the Cape Cod Times view of their world as the world, with all its nicely connected political dots.
The opinions they try to pass off as truth, such as the majority of "people invested in the schools" want Johnson gone is truly appalling. The paper that claims to stand for transparency, justice, adherance to open meeting law has made an amazing statement that contradicts that. Must be nice to play God. For their reasons the Cape Cod Times is joing the team determined to us power rather then reason to work through this conflict. Sad day for the Cape Cod Times and Sandwich.
It seems that its ok for some commentors to have personal vendetas against certain sc members who they disagree with and not ok for those opposing view commentors to be heard. Would some explain to me how the kids are going to be effected by this mess. Teachers will still do their jobs and the only one that won't is the super
9:46 poster, you aren't actually slandering w another lie by implying Dr. Johnson hasn't or isn't doing her job the past 3 years? Dr. Johnson has created numerous new programs, cleaned up the schools, brought our computers into 2010.
Dr. Johnson has had to do three jobs at approx 50 hr a week. Get your facts straight before you start another lie. Slandering Dr. Johnson not being a hard worker is comical, again you "gut nuttin" with that statement. Maybe the s.c. members don't understand what a "fact" and proof means. lies have become facts in their little minds. Just more evidence and money to collect for Dr. Johnson's defamation suit.
Hello anon 9:46. I can explain a little; I'm sure other parents have much more to say. My children "are going to be effected (sic) by this mess" 1) if the excellent literacy and math programs that have been instituted in their school are discontinued, or if some teachers decide they don't have to participate in them any longer, so the implementation becomes inconsistent; and 2) by the drastic cuts in the school budget that will have to be made to cover not only the existing shortfall in State funding, but also costs of litigating "this mess." Dr. Johnson, like her or not, has a measure of credibility, budget-wise, with other municipal boards -- credibility the School Committee has none of, and less every time they meet, as far as I can tell. The kids' school experience will be affected by that for years to come.
the members of the SC get elected as individuals but do not have any more power than every citizen in regards to contacting the AG's office. Those members cannot act as SC members when referring any matter unless a vote is taken. Legal referral vote goes like this 4-3 no referral.
The union has been trying to oust Dr. Johnson since the infamous "survey" where they called on all members to rate the job Dr. Johnson and other administrators were doing. Of course, the union made the survey, distributed the survey, and then leaked it to the media. They made it clear to union membership that getting rid of Dr. Johnson was a priority and even took a vote on whether or not the membership wanted to initiate a vote of no-confidence. Interesting that nothing ever came of that -- teachers refused to be bullied into compliance with the union leadership and outspoken high school teachers and there never was a vote of no-confidence. Union leaders couldn't muster enough support for their cause.
A few days after the union's attempt to start a no-confidence revolt, teachers were emailed at home with the "support Kangas and Crossman" tactic. Having already planted Linehan on the board and knowing Marshall, who has difficulty following even the simpliest discussions, would capitulate to the new members and majority, the union's strategy of planting two more members of the anti-Johnson campaign did work.
Now that Linehan, Crossman, Marshall, and Kangas are sharing a brain (and not very well) we can only hope they will eventually flub a line memorized from the union script.
I'd sign this "anonymous" but then you may think I am one of Crossman's story-tellers so I'm signing it...
a teacher NOT drinking the union kool-aid
Every student is going to be effected by this mess, is effected now by this mess, because while the fiddlers are playing, Rome is burning.
It will take hard work and a careful plan, not just for one year but for several to keep the district in tact given the upcoming budget cuts. We all know the schools can kiss an override goodbye given how nuts everyone thinks the SC is and given the fact that the SC is more concerned with burning Dr. Johnson at the stake than the financial welfare of the district.
So the one person that, in a very tough budget climate, saved money and produced progress is now a lame duck as everyone likes to point out. Yeah, got to say this will have an impact on every student and on the well being of the town as a whole. That is what people have been trying to get the SC to hear.
There probably is someone waiting in the wings for the job. Who would apply from outside given the circumstance, the history, and the clear evidence of how the papers come after the super. in Sandwich. Probably the plan is for a man to come to the rescue. While I'm sure a man could work well with the "boy's club" in town already, sad to see progress threatened because of all this craziness.
Teachers and involved parents need to fix this mess, with petitions, or recall Marshall and Linehan and put non union non community school people on the board.......then our children might have a chance at an excellent education again. Don't get involved, don't vote, then don't fricken complain if the schools continue to be dictated by the Union radicals. Where are the tough Sandwich teachers and parents?
I bet $5 that Marshall will try to bring back Cannonne. The union liked him -- he eliminated programs, instead of firing teachers.
The main purpose of the school system is to save union jobs isn't it? The union will start representing the kids' interests when the kids start paying the dues!!
The meeting tomorrow night, Sandwich Citizens for Quality Education, is at 7:30 p.m. not 6:30 p.m. as stated in a previous post. This is a new group. Visit their web-site at www.sandwichcitizensforqualityschools.org
Cutting programs has gotten a school system that has so little to really offer that our out of district placement costs have risen from practically nothing 7 years ago to almost 1 million dollars. These are students that choose to attend other public schools. This came up at the BOS override discussion this week.
Then of course we also see student after student opt into private school, creating taxpayers with no real interest in public schools. Yes, its a system that worked well, cutting programs to meet salary and benefits obligations.
Dr. Johnson first made the union mad because she dared to cut teacher aides and pursue educational excellence for the district. The school district can't just exist as an employment agency for the town.
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