Monday, August 09, 2010

Not all opinions are created equal

Anon 3:13 -- your point is well taken, Anon 4:07 has been removed.  That poster probably went overboard.

The issue of anonymous postings is a wide-spread problem on every blog.  On the one hand, you want to encourage people who may have first-hand knowledge to share their information without fear of recriminations. 

On the other hand, you don't want to make it easier for every whacko with a keyboard to spread misinformation -- either intentionally or unintentionally.

I've made my opinions very clear --- and my name is attached to every comment I make.  I think my past experience of 4 years on the School Committee, my experience as a father of 4 kids in the Sandwich Schools,  and my 25+ years of financial management experience, give me at least a little credibility in my comments.  It doesn't matter if you agree with me -- you know its my opinion and you are always free to ignore my comments and spend your time reviewing the '"quality" journalism provided by local media outlets.  ("A non-endangered bird spent the night away from its nest on the 4th of July, blah, blah, blah ..." Remember that story on July 5?)  

There are some others who post here using there own name -- or at least a screen name that I recognize.  I know these folks have strong opinions and aren't shy about sharing them.  There's a whole different mentality to posting comments when your identity is known.  Those folks are always welcome.

There are others who come in completely out of left field -- I have no idea if these folks have any idea what they're talking about.  If they get their "facts" only by reading the Enterprise, or the Times, I assume they have no idea of what's going on.  If their story starts with "I heard from ..." they probably have even less of an idea.  If they don't follow local government or vote because everyone else is a moron -- but they KNOW it's being done wrong -- I rarely read to the end of the paragraph!

Bottom line:   I will be aggressively enforcing the Ground Rules as outlined on the first page -- particularly the part that says:
Supporting or opposing viewpoints are always welcome, however, management reserves the right to ignore comments which may be false, unfair, inflammatory, or otherwise inappropriate or unacceptable.
Feel free to begin chanting "That Bastard won't publish anybody who disagrees with him!" now.  (Actually, I would be glad to publish criticism  --- just have the guts to sign your name!)

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