Although the School Committee hasn't met in two weeks, they won't be meeting today either. Apparently because today is the 5th Wednesday -- and they only meet on the 1st & 3rd Wednesday -- God forbid we disrupt "routine" for something as silly as a projected $2.5 million deficit!
They will, however, be meeting with their counsel on the 30th to discuss the latest chapter in the Superintendent Saga -- now that her counsel has called them out on the fact that they had no apparent understanding of the Open Meeting Law.
They'll probably also be discussing the Minkoff case -- maybe they could do a "two-fer" -- settle both contracts and then sue the school attorney for bad advice and collect an equivalent settlement from his malpractice carrier. Somebody told them they could fire Minkoff and someone told them they could disregard Johnson's contract. IF that advice was in error, then "somebody" should pay for that error -- other than the students & taxpayers of Sandwich!
While we're waiting for some great revelations, here's a few questions I would like to see answers for:
1) If the budget needs to be cut by $2.5 million next year, what is the Board's plan? A majority of the Committee has made it clear that they have no confidence in the Superintendent -- yet the magnitude of these budget cuts will require a tremendous amount of collaboration with the Superintendent to ensure the District properly balances public expectations and fiscal realities in the next budget. To date, there has been no such discussions. This budget is unlike the other budgets for the past several years -- there will be serious cuts and program eliminations. The Committee can't sit back and wait for a proposal so they can shoot it down -- like they do everything else proposed by this administration. There is not enough time to play these games and still get a budget in front of Town Meeting in May. And there is no way on God's green earth that those antics will ever help pass an override -- if anybody is actually contemplating asking for one.
Does anyone on the Committee have the, ah ... guts, to take on the Athletic boosters -- or are we just going to cancel the art, music, drama, and history classes, fire a few janitors, secretaries and librarians, and implement bus fees?