Thursday, September 02, 2010

Bring on Celine Deon and the band! (From Bob Guerin)

As I watched last night’s School Committee meeting I began to wonder if maybe I’ve lost track of the municipal budget process and I no longer understand the towns’ and the schools’ financial situation. Perhaps readers of this blog will help me better understand just what I am missing?  

As I listened to the Committee’s budget and staffing discussions I found myself picturing the School Committee as the crew on the bridge of Titanic.  They’re sailing along toward the iceberg (the deficit) happily discussing adding a new door security staff position (@ $28,000 per year).  (Note: we pay full time in class room teacher aids (ESPs) just $18,000 which makes the doorman's pay seem odd, but I digress).

The iceberg.  Let’s assume that the Selectmen tell the school to plan for a 0 growth budget (same as last year).  As I recall, the schools’ contractual payroll increases alone will create a $1 million dollar deficit for the schools.   Assume also that the Selectmen assign $1.5 million of the Town’s current deficit to the Schools and the School budget deficit becomes $2.5 million.  

The iceberg grows.  If the schools’ energy costs had been different last year (we ended the year with a surplus) the Special Education budget would have been overspent (in deficit) by $500,000.  And, there’s at least another $500,000 in expiring grant moneys being spent in Special Education.  Taken together the Special Education budget could easily be another $1 million in the red.

So, and maybe I just don’t get it, by my math next year’s school budget is at a minimum somewhere between $1 million to $3.5 million in deficit.  That’s one heck of an iceberg!

The Crew of this Titanic continues to spend and continues to discuss everything under the sun except the giant berg looming in their path.  Why?  What do these folks know about the budget that I just cant seem to see and understand? 


Bob Simmons said...

I was also struck by the amount of time wasted mwhile the Committee second-guessed the work of the Administration and the Town Safety Committee. AND the concern over whether or not the Community School could afford their share of the cost.

Two immediate thoughts:

1. The Community School brings in the bulk of the "strangers" to the school each day -- building security is a cost of their doing business in a public school.

2. NOBODY can afford it -- as Bob pointed out, the District is looking down the barrel of a giant deficit. The reality is that if adding this position is a priority than something else will need to be eliminated. Last night's discussion SHOULD have been -- Can we afford it? NOT 60 minutes of discussing who would be tracking mud on the floors and answering the buzzer.

Don't get me wrong -- I think we probably need the position during the school year (although I don't know why they will get paid more than an ESP OR why they would need to work summers). But, I think the Committee once again asked the wrong questions.

Anonymous said...

The picture reminde me of the idiom, "Rearranging the deck furniture on the Titanic.", also "We'll cross that bridge when we get to it" or the most appropriate "Whistling past the graveyard"

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a Ted Kennedy joke.

JTD said...

One member of the Committee announced last night that she: “doesn’t like to micro manage.” She then went on to discuss: which doors the football team uses after practice, whether the new doorman should report to the Principle, the Superintendent or both and the physical location of printers in the High School. Maybe I just don’t understand the meaning of “mirco managing?”
Seeing the big picture is the domain and purview of the School Committee. Implementation and execution of policy and procedure rests with the Administration and staff.
The entire School Committee has completely lost sight of their job.
As a direct result of this Committees complete abdication of its core mission and responsibility, the schools are now staggering into the budget cycle millions of dollars in the red with no plans for cost reductions, no plans to justify an override request, and not even a clue as to the magnitude of the deficit!
About the only thing that this Committee is completely sure of (4 to 3) is that they were right to fire the Superintendent.(And, of course, they don’t know the actual cost of that either!).

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker watched last nights meeting hoping that a decision would be made that perhaps may save our fair town from further discourse. Once I heard the same politically based union, duely elected,members of this school committee, It became clear that no such resolve would be happening in the emmediate future. One great comment came at Public forum will they be paying the old Super's contract from there own personal savings?
We should ask, if the Teachers Union will be subsidizing this agenda driven vendata being proposed by the majority vote, after all they are the ones directing this endeaver?

The majority of this committee still are in the fog and no matter how large the Iceberg gets it is clear that they do not have any comprehension as to what they are about to put the town of Sandwich through. They do not care about the educational process that will affect each and every child in this system, all to prove a point that power is corruptable.

ricksabetta said...

Last nights episode of the circus on quaker meeting house proved one thing. The fearsome foursome, although sitting right there not feet from MEJ, DOMT LISTEN TO HER!!! Time after time the superintendent would answer a question and within a minute, one of the foursome would ask THE SAME QUESTION!!!!!!! I am sure that I am not the only one that was yelling at my tv by 830.

Once again the committee had a chance to save face and to compromise on the whole contract debacle before it costs us big time. And once again they stared logic and civility in the face and refused to blink. I hope that as a town we remember this whole situation when it is time for the May elections!!!

Anonymous said...

A four person school committee "band" will play until the end while the other three members continue to be diligent stewards attempting to save the reputation and integrity of our schools. If the "Sharing One Brain Band" wants to make the decision to go down with the ship after getting anonymous advice to do so, well, they need to remember that the rest of us are going down with them --- especially our children. And we know how the tunnel vision of the "unsinkable ship" ended...yikes!

Anonymous said...

i think the most amazing comment Wednesday night from a member of the majority group on the School Committee was that the mission of the SC is to only worry about the safety in the buildings during school hours. 3/4 of our town's budget in their hands, the largest capital asset in town in their hands and she sees the mission as only about the kids during school hours. Someone above said the majority group doesn't know what their job is. That seems so true. It is frightening.

Anonymous said...

Regarding comments by 10:57- how are the three members not "one brain" thinking? They sure seemed to have their "act" well orchestrated the other night. In additon, two of the three are part of the reason we are in the debacle we are in participating in an illegal meeting to ramrod the Superintendent's contract in before the election. They have bullied new members and continue to be rude and unprofessional(finger pointing, rased voices,sneeering) in the manner in which they address the newest members- just following in the pattern established by the past two chairmen of sarcasm and arrogance. ALL members need to learn to show respect and be willing to compromise.The three are no heroes- just partr of the problem and trying to make it look like others who weren't even in office are the root of the issues we are dealing with. The SC needs a mediator and a therapist to bring about civilithy and maturity. The kids are watching!

Anonymous said...

Here's what I saw this week:
I think it’s probably fair to suggest that the job and responsibilities of Committee Member is simply too big for some of these folks to grasp. To be fair none of these folks have the professional experiences or life experiences to justify the position they’ve been elected to. Simply put: these folks are in way over their heads.

And, because the job is so beyond their ability and imaginations they end up discussing all the little stuff that they’re better able to grasp – like muddy hallways and locking doors. A more specific example would be Crossman’s attempts to question budget line items this week. She focused solely on amounts less than $50,000 and almost none that didn’t touch Administration line items.

I’ll bet it didn’t even occur to Nancy that Special Education was $500,000 off the mark as was Energy. As highlighted above, that’s a $1 million dollar budget swing Nancy, Marie, Sherry and Jess apparently didn’t catch or worse thought wasn’t as important as all the little stuff they were sweating.

Anonymous said...

While I originally questioned the wisdom of the outgoig board renewing the contract --- I am now convinced that the current board would NOT have done the right thing. They have had 4 months to prove they were responsible and/or professional and they have failed miserably.

School Committee meeetings have begun to look like televised PTA meetings -- no grasp of The Real World / Big Picture problems they should be facing.

Bob Guerin said...

I think the anonymous post suggesting that the reason that this Board cant get their act together is the former two Chairmens’ public demeanors is silly and false.
Likewise, arguing that anything other than budgets, deficits and labor contracts have been at the heart and sole of the tension on the School Board and with the union leadership for the past 5 years denies fact and the record.
Suggesting that the current Board’s inability to grasp the seriousness of the schools’ financial situation is somehow because of who was Chairmen one and two years ago is even more silly.
Next year’s budget is 3 years removed from my last year of service. Arguing that this Board’s failure to appreciate next years budget issues and address them head on is because of my service as Chair is a pathetic excuse for inaction.
4 now represent a majority and have for 4 months. They should have a plan and a vision for the District and be willing to communicate that plan and lead.
I’d hope that at some point the current Board would act. And, likewise, I’d hope at some point that the current Board would be held to answer for their own actions or inaction.

Anonymous said...

To Bob Guerin- I did not say that the current four can't get their act together because of you, I said that the tone of arrogance and sarcasm were set by you and Bob Simmons as chairs of the SC. This needs to be stopped by those who persist in these behaviors on the current SC. It doesn't work and is ugly at best. How will we ever get parents to vote for an override ( if there is one) if they don't see civility at the minimum? Also, where is this information about the power of Union leadership coming from? I never read or seen anything on televison that has anything to do with the Teachers' union? Is there a Darth Vader that we don't know about? He/she must be darn powerful to do all this damage.Please.Everyone needs to accept their part in this mess, including past and present members of SC and adminstrators and perhaps Darth Vader if he/she actually exists. Let's stop trying to do self-damage control(revisonist history?) Bob,stop the nastiness and move on for the sake of the children and the town.Also, thanks to Bob Simmons for putting my previous post on as it was not entirely flattering to him as well.Again. let's get a mediator and/or therapist to help- is Dr. Phil available?

Anonymous said...

Many years ago I was taught that the most useless word in the English language is "should." On many levels that is so true. Reading these past few posts, what strikes me most is the reality that a board creating policy and being responsible for a budget, let alone a budget of 39 million, is a very difficult task. In the real world skill set and experience and communication abilities would be critical to who sat on such a board.

I've been watching our town government for a long time. In recent years I have been able to observe first hand, because of local t.v., how meetings are run, I use to have hope that people could learn from each other and become more professional at their perspective tables. Sadly that is more likely to be true at meetings not televised like the Zoning Board of Appeals. It truly does seem that the current School Committee is in completely over their heads.

A wonderful town leader well over 80 years of age, who served for years on the school committee told me that they got off when the information was too complicated to understand and act on. Politics is always a negative when it produces leaders that can't handle the job.

Bob Simmons said...

I'm not in this for flattery -- I made $.28 from Google ads this month!

If I wanted flattery, I'd get a dog.

I agree with Guerin --- the problem is the current majority is in over their heads. Instead of focussing on $1,000 problems and blaming the prior leaders for being "mean" to them -- they need to get some professional help to get them through the $30 MILLION budget. Particularly since they MAY have fired the only person now at the table who understands the budget.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would like to comment on some of the postings that hold the past two chairs in contmept for the way they ran the meetings. If one was to listen and particapate at public forum over the years and especially during the times when Bob and Bob had to deal with irrational and disresptful adults comming before the committee.
It becomes very clear that some of those that came before the public, did not have a clue about what they were expounding upon at all. Not only were some attempting to spread more rumors, but lacked the insite to speak in the manner upon which was allowed during the public forum opportunity.

The time frame allowed, demanded that you at least spent a little time to place your thoughts in a more concise manner and not be all over the place with untrue statements.

Many who decided to flaunt this disrespect, showed they lacked any regard to the children they were supporting and those attending these meetings.

So to those of you that feel that way, you should at the very least remember what may have precipatated the outburts by BOB and BOb came as a result of public speakers attempting to speak to the audience spreading rumors and lies and then becomming upset when they were told that the time clock expired.

Both Chairs allowed those that came before public forum there first ammendment rights to speak in the time frame allowed, except those that actually wanted to continue to disrupt and speard rumors and lies, after the time limit was up/

Anonymous said...

The above is exactly whats gone wrong here in Sandwich.
Which is better for our schools and our community? A board comprised of:

He/Shes who are usually right, understand the issues and have vision but are "blunt" "direct" and "mean."
He/Shes who are usually ill prepared, cant see the big picture, lacks vision and take almost any criticism as bullying but theyre pleasant and polite.

Bob Guerin said...

Please. Do not kid yourselves.
No one is going to vote for an override for the schools because the school committee is polite, smiles and gets along. That’s nonsense.
A School Committee that could demonstrate a record of sustained fiscal discipline, detailed budget awareness, existing cost controls and strong management might - just maybe earn the confidence of voters and pass an override.
Re read my Titanic blog above. The ship has sailed and its crew, its current crew is failing.

Anonymous said...

who you callin' he/she?

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker, believes that the ice berg has floated away in regards to any over ride for the school a long time ago. We all should attempt to do a little fishing from this ice berg to see if any thing can be salavaged at all. The continued disregard by the Teachers Union and its leaders have set the tone in this matter.The four in the union controled, majority School committee members have also lost any crediability and have placed to many nails in the box for a rational outcome. We are now almost 5 months into the budget season and we have four individuals that can not get away from the script of questions and answers, that have no relative meaning during the meeting of the school committee. It is obvious that all four must go over what and how they speak at every meeting as it is all written down for them by the Union leaders. One would be lost if she had to rely upon how she presented herself at every meeting, with out her prepared script sitting on the table. Any Overide has melted away and they all should go fishing to chill out

ricksabetta said...

Bobs Simmons and Guerin were called a lot of things in their days of School Committee leadership and should have been for the outstanding jobs they both did. Arrogant and Sarcastic ARE NOT two words that come to mind!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Back to business. At this week's Finance Committee meeting the town manager claims that an expense for the town is $850,000 of lost state aide due to Sandwich students going to other districts and to charter schools. Chapter 70 takes into account the students who live in Sandwich who are not being educated in Sandwich public schools. What is Bud talking about?

Will the School Committee or the School business manager clear this up? A Fin Com member has already suggested that we deduct $850,000 from local appropriation to the schools since according to Town Manager, the town is paying a bill of $850,000 to the state for out of school assessement. It doesn't make sense to me. But who is paying attention on the school side?

Bob and Bob paid attention. The School Committee needs to get back in the game and start paying attention to more then the Superintendant's line items. All of you who voted for the two new members get them in the real game or did they only get elected to promote their agendas.