Friday, November 05, 2010

The Emptyprise lives up to its name ...

This Just in .... Stop & Shop has moved the Craisins from Aisle 3 to Aisle 5.
  Grief Counselors have been brought in to assist shoppers ...

It's been a big news week.  A popular local Businessman and former Selectman was elected State Rep, and what some considered a badly needed investment in local infrastructure went down in flames -- along with a  local congressional candidate and a local state senate candidate.

But, that was nothing .... those small-potato stories were relegated to the bottom of the Emptyprise's front page this week.  Above the fold was reserved for the big stories .... Superintendent suing School District and the story with true Pulitzer potential, "Supermarket's Remodel Causing Some Confusion Among Shoppers"!

Holy Catfish!  Stop the presses!  I can see Les Nesman rushing over in the WKRP mobile news unit now to cover this crisis.  I was panicing when I rushed to Page 3 and couldn't find the promised continuation of the story.  Fortunately, it was just another typo -- the thrilling conclusion actually re-appeared on Page 7. 

With all the time and effort putting into covering these crucial news events that effect us all so  deeply (They moved the damn potatoes --- can you imagine the inconvenience!!), I could see why they just wouldn't have the resources to cover less-important stories.

That must be why the Emptyprise has still not reported on the fact that an independent audit has criticized the operation of the Sandwich Community School and supported the concerns of  former school committee members.  Ironically, they seemed to have plenty of resources available last year to criticize those who worked to make changes in the Community School to bring it into compliance with the law.

Funny how that works.


Sandy Shoes said...

What what what? I turn my back for one semester and they rearrange the aisles in the grocery store?

At least nothing earth-shattering is happening.

(Les Nesman... excellent.)

Anonymous said...

At this weeks Selectmans Meeting Ms Jane Logan appeared to continue her rant against the town. One difference however, she mentioned the power plant closing and Buds comment in the CCT about the "we won't loose a penny " quote. He flat out denied saying that. So the CCT is making up quotes or he lied. In any event, what is the plan?


Anonymous said...

Not a problem.

Jim says we have plenty of money.

Mrs. Winchester said...

Thanks for saving me a dollar. I canceled my subscription to the Emptyprise last year because of their slanted reporting of school committee news. I was going to actually buy the paper for local election stories.

Hough P. Aradise said...

The Enterprise newspaper is, for me, like watching School Committee meetings on SACAT.

Every week I swear I wont look because the contents are meaningless, biased, poorly organized drivel. But alas, like when I pass a car wreck on the side of the road, I just have to slow down and look. And, like a car wreck, every week what the Enterprise presents is gruesome and repulsive.

It really does amaze me that the Publishers and Editors still print their names in the paper. Perhaps they want folks to know who to blame? It cant really be to take credit, can it?

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would answer 8.27 cooment in regards to Ms. Logan What you may call a rant is nothing but, a great deal of fustration being vented and all for good reason.
People of Sandwich are becoming more and more fustrated the way they are being treated, especially when questions being asked do not get any responce. In some cases some citizens have been given the impression we do not understand or care about what has been occuring here in Sandwich.

So many reports by the local newspapers that have played up all the bad things going on here, but when the news is printed after the fact, no explaination or story about the truth, once it gets announced. Why? I ask can they not print the facts, once they get the facts on a story they printed. A one sided point of veiw that had no crediabilty, when it was sent to press has been discounted and yet we do not see any follow up story in print. Where is the fairness and openess the freedom of the press is supposed to represent to the people whom buy there paper? Where is the neutrality of the power of the printed word, granted by our first amendment rights. Where is the integrity of those reporters who only establish one point of veiw and fail to tell the other side of a problem once the truth is known?

ricksabetta said...

Jim says were ok so THAT is good enough for me!!!! LOL

Scout Finch said...

Truth Mistaker -

The whole point regarding freedom of the press is that you do not have to be fair. This is true in all media and why the Fairness Doctrine was abolished. The First Ammendment does not guarantee neutrality! If you don't like the paper, don't buy it.

As for the Enterprise, they did get something exactly right this week. The Editorial made the argument that all school board members, past and present, are responsible for the current crisis. This issue with DMEJ did not start with her contract renewal, but how the original hiring process was handled. However inconvenient for those on this blog to ignore, that is the impetus of the current firestorm.

Anonymous said...

The purpose of the media is to report the news -- not make it. For some reason, The Emptyprize has long had a chip on its shoulder about the schools -- particularly when their "coverage" aids the union.

The union president has bragged about having the local paper "in her pocket" and has said she has been able to get a negative story published anytime she needed one.

The impetus of teh curent firestorm is that MEJ wanted to make changes and the union didn't -- they've been kicking and screaming ever since. It's obvious they put two shills on the Committee -- which was easy since the voters weren't paying attention anyway.

Anonymous said...

4:30 your exactly right the original hiring process was a result of that committee realizing Marshall's search committee was a complete sham aka bag job, fix was in, Sherry stacked her promised "random" committee with 10 people from Comm. school personel, Exec. board members and admin that didn't want any change in the schools. Guerin Cahill, Simmons, Susko, Lubold and Barton were cutting thru the political b.s. Emptyprise and CCT times were informed of all those facts of Sherry's planned bag job and they failed to write and inform the town of that story. Why? Laura Carlisle/SEA teachers union does have the newpapers in her pockets. How do they all sleep at night knowing this all affects our childrens educations? Dr. J should make those women pay for the damage they caused to her reputation and run like hell with all her damage awards. 85% of people failed to pay attention and vote and your all paying for it now.