Tuesday, March 15, 2011

So much for Public Input and Transparency ...

This week's School Committee Agenda has the announcement of finalists for the Superintendent's post AFTER the second Public Forum.  It also lists the next meeting as April 6.

However, according to the MASC's brochure, the job is scheduled to be filled the week BEFORE that, on March 30.

I have to assume there will be some opportunity for public comment before the final decision is announced?

The Finalists have been chosen, why hasn't their background information been released to the public so they could raise any concerns or questions they may have at the next public meeting ? 

Why is it this discussion the very last item on what looks like a long agenda.  Given past history, approval of the minutes alone could last for two hours!

If the information isn't released sooner, I would hope somebody (at the very least) makes a motion to move up the announcement -- while the public is still awake!


The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would add that the whole process being conducted under the protection of our local Police department make one wonder who are they protecting, or for that matter what?

The present chair and her union led cohorts have been conspiring behind closed door for a long time and apparently no one really cares?

The presentation of the names without,counter questions is a matter of grave concern for our children here in Sandwich.
The last time Ms. Marshal and her band of merry makers gave the schools a superintendant who was unable to add two colunms of numbers and get the correct answer

She also was responsiable for bringing to the district a person who was bought out of two contracts and perhaps even three , due to being unable to do the job she was hired to do.

Non of those facts ever made it to the public until after she found a way to get it signed under a cloak of darkness.

Once again we the citizens who get the bill will not have any input into the process, a process led by a vintictive group of individuals with personal grudges. I am sure that MS. Marshell will finish the job she started when she began some 20 years ago. This is not to upgrade the school , but do the bidding of the union leaders, while lighting the match to burn it down.

All that look in here can rest assure that the Sandwich School District will continue to decay and every child will suffer here in our town, because of a contrivance between the union and the union led school committee members.

ricksabetta said...

No offense is intended to the Von Trap family.....but apparently the committee chair feels that their presentation is more important than the discussion of the finalists for superintendent?? Really? Is that what we are going with?? UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!! Even for this committee!! You aren't trying to hide the choices for super from the public by pushing them to the end of the meeting without the public having a chance to comment on them Mrs Marshall.....no you wouldn't do that. That would be Unethical. God, May 5 cant come soon enough!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Was there any public comment when DR. J was hired

Anonymous said...

It's funny -- the anti-Johnson crowd bitched and screamed about not enough public comment, and now they're doing exactly the same thing!

The hypocrisy continues.

Anonymous said...

Disgraceful. Is this the group we want selecting our next super. Get to the meeting tonight and ask that this be halted till after the election!!!!! No more games. We can't afford to put any more liability exposure on the town. Dr. Johnson will no doubt appeal the decision of the New Bedford judge. This game needs to be stopped. It should have been stopped months ago with a rational decision to hold on till all the legal questions were answered. Time that our kids welfare and our town's future not be at the mercy of ignorance, cliques, and outdated political gamesmanship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

So that makes it right anon 5:53????

So it's OK to ram this new sup down our throats because Johnson was rammed down yours? That is forgetting the fact that two out of three of your candidates didn't think it was important enough to come to their interviews.

BTW, understanding this is a "national" search, I'm betting on the local horse. Any takers? How about you anon 5:53; do you want a piece of that action?

Anonymous said...

I bet $5 on the local horse --- we've assumed it for a year! should make the union happy. of course!!

Anonymous said...

I'll take the action...local horse owned and breed by the group that wants to go backwards instead of forwards. That would be the group that thought the emperor had clothes on years ago when he was naked as a jay bird or an old body during school hours at our High School pool locker room. Just what every high schooler and little swimming student wants to see.

Anonymous said...

Have I got this right? The Committee already knows who the finalists are, BUT they are deliberately waiting until AFTER tonight's second Public Forum to announce them?

And, there are no more Public Forums scheduled until AFTER the winner is announced?

This sounds like a bad joke --- how can they possibly complain about the way Johnson was hired if they're deliberately keeping this info from the public?

What have they got to hide?

Anonymous said...

Tell me why Nancy Crossman can even participate in the discussion about the pool. There are revenues at stack and that could effect her job. She should not be allowed to participate in the discussion. If she we acting in accordance with the ethics training she received she would excuse herself from the discussion. I have noticed she has already offered her opinion on the subject in the public forum portion.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would ask the town clerk to issue a complaint against MS. Crossman for violating MGL in regards to participating with a discussion that affects her financially.

Once again this disfuntional group of brain damaged adults put off making any desicion as to how they would handle an obvious violation between nude adults and children in our schools.

Can you see the long line of pedifiles asking for pool tickets?

The union led four need to start thinking with what god gave them for brains, instead of what they were given to sit on.

Things will never change, listing to the teachers who had the courage to speak last night you can see why, they do not. That has been a known problem here in Sandwich for many years and to think these same folks are leading our children into how we can bully who ever, when ever they choose. What a country. It starts at the top people and adults that send the wrong messages to our children can only reap what they sow in return. This misuse of power will have long lasting affects in our society and we all can take credit for not preventing a preventable process. The chain of a bully will continue and it did not need to occur,we all need to find some backbone and face these people down in a public way

Anonymous said...

It looks like Cannone's guy has already got the job. Are we even going to pretend there was a nation-wide search?

Anonymous said...

Truth Maker, someone reminded me today that when Ms Crossman came before the Board of Selectman to ask for an exemption as an employee of the Community School so she could stay an employee and be on the School Committee, she promised she would not participate in any conversations about the pool.

A member of the SC was told by the state ethics commission that only the chair of the committee can remind Ms Crossman or Ms. Linehan or Mr. Cahill that they have a conflict of interest and should consider not participating in a conversation or voting an issue.

Bob, is it true that the four finalist don't even meet the minimal requirements of the job? I also noticed there are no women among the finalist. If it is true that we are about to hire a super. who doesn't even meet the minimal requirements given what the district and the town is facing is truly pathetic. It's not 1972. Small town politics is killing this poor old place.

Personally I don't think the three members of the school committee who have a financial stake in the system or who's spouses have should be voting on who we hire. And for goodness sakes can we stop electing people who have a financial stake in the game or who's spouses do. Mass. general law allows it but we can't afford to have these conflict effecting the management of our schools or our town.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Naker would repond in regards to what MS> Crossman stated publically in regards to ethics violations, she did state that in fact she would recuse herself from any discussions regarding the pool. Once again she has failed to meet the burdan of proof upon what she has stated to the taxpayers of Sandwich she would do when elected as a school committee member.

I would call that a personal flaw in integrity.

Anonymous said...

so, the proof is in the pudding. #1 go to the ethics commission link and post electronically a complaint. #2 send and email to a Selectman or to all the Selectman and ask that they take away her Special Employee status!!!

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would state to student.

If in fact you are a student, then you do have a voice that all should hear. I would take it even further and say every student does have a choice as to how they apply what they learn by watching adults act like children.

We all should care about each other <I do not even know you and I care about you. You must understand that is how I was brought up when I was much younger then you.

The problem we have with the present conflicted school board members they have not learned that lesson. They have conspired to tell untruths,plotted like little children to bully someone they do not like.

My priority remains steadfast that if in deed you are a student in our school, that you recieve the education needed to get into a school of higher learning that you can embrace with an education that will sustain you into adult years and beyond.

The foundation of education begins in the school districts available to you while growing up and I am concerned that this basic education has been compromised by the four members of the school committee for vintictive reasons and not because the present Superintendant was not qualified to the job.

This goes to moral character, something I learned as a youngster growing up. It also goes to the faith you believe in and if you follow the laws of that religion.

The bullies of the world are just not only children , but adults as well.

You do have a voice,never stop speaking, that is why we call this a democratic society. I and many others gave of themselves to protect that right for every one and it is called your first amendment rights, so use it.

Anonymous said...

The student is right!!! Good for you!!! I think this letter should move to the top in a story and let people respond. I hear this all the times from High School kids. I ran into someone yesterday who laughed all of this off as part of what to expect with people being elected to make important policy. It is part of the system to manipulate it for political gain. This student nails it. Do what I say, not what I do. Will we really survive this philosophy much longer at any level of society? I feel so sorry for the students of Sandwich and have for many years. It breaks my heart to see how dishonest and hypocritical local leaders have become.