Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Rose by Any Other Name?

I have had several messages from folks this week asking if I had noticed that many of our favorite dump guys (I mean, Transfer Station Attendents)  seem to be working undercover -- their trademark Flourescent t-shirts replaced by civilian duds!

Could it be that all this talk of budget cuts and "Pay as You Throw" has focussed more attention on the fact that there are more people on duty at the dump each day than the Fire Department?

Are all of these people getting paranoid -- are we actually camoflaging the staff?  Or, are we really using undercover operatives to guard the scrap metal piles?

Maybe we should be re-directing the dump-cam  to keep an eye on the situation?


Anonymous said...

If these yellow t-shirts are required for safety, shouldn't those needing to wear them either have a spare or sent home to get one? When I asked one of the DPW workers where his yellow shirt is he said it was dirty. If I hit a worker with a yellow shirt it is my fault. If I hit one without a yellow shirt it is his fault right?

Anonymous said...

I noticed the same thing.

And, I am not an attorney -- but I would certainly not suggest running over anybody to test accident liability.

Anonymous said...

And what about the silly fences to nowhere? A few years ago, they put expensive fences along 130 for no apparent reason -- now somebody just fenced in the intersection of Boardley and Farmersville.

Why bother? Do we really have enough money for fences around nothing when we're trying to raise a gazillion dollars to fix roof leaks?

Was this a case of "burn the budget by year end"?

Anonymous said...

And how about the new markers along the dump driveway! How much to purchase and install that nonsense? For what - to keep the dumps' lawn looking nice? Why not just take a hot stick and poke us taxpayers in the eye?

Anonymous said...

Amazing the stupid things the town spends money on. Have you ever tried to take a 30 minute walk in the village at night, your risking breaking your ankles and legs the sidewalks are in such disrepair. We tried to do it a couple times I felt like we were on a obstacle course.
Bud should be concerned for the liability for the town with those sidewalks and unsuspecting tourists.

Anonymous said...

I have long felt that the DPW is the "Black Hole" (no pun intended) in this town. No one ever drives anything but a new truck, plows with expensive blades from Sweden that no one can drive etc... They never have the scrutiny that the schools have in the line item analysis. Time to open those books to the light of day.

Anonymous said...

Let's make sure we have new orange stantions into the dump so that we don"t drive on the weeds. "They are to outline the pavement for snowplowing" August? wait, what? Oh, and by the way, next time it does snow you will find the "dump road" is plowed well before your street is

Anonymous said...

Throw a piece of drywall into the trailer and hell will hath no fury like a DPW worker with a 20 foot hook. That drywall will be back in your vehicle forthwith.