Friday, October 08, 2010

Analogy of the day ...

An old rancher is talking about politics with a young man from the city. He compares a politician to a "post turtle." The young man doesn't understand and asks him what a post turtle is.

The old man says, "When you're driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle. You know he didn't get up there by himself. He doesn't belong there; he can't get anything done while he's up there; he can only see in the direction he has been turned; and you just want to help the poor, dumb thing down."

'nuff said!


Anonymous said...

The Truth Maker knows that the day of spooks and goblins is about to happen .

Any one interested in going out trick or treat.

Perhaps we could find some to dress up as members of the School committee and go knocking on the doors. Trick or Treat You come to the door and say I will give you a treat if you take away this trick you all have been playing on our children. Do you think that would work?

To make the treat a little enticing we simply announce that the first one to call for a reconsideration vote will get a package of bubble gum , along with three tootsy pops, what ever flavor you want. Keeping the turtle on the post, for all to see is like putting blinders on a horse. One directional veiwing and they can not see what ever is around them/

Anonymous said...

Is this a way out?

Section 8.1 RECALL

Any holder of an elected office in the town of Sandwich may be recalled therefrom by the qualified voters of the town as provided in chapter 408 of the acts of 1987 for reasons which include but are not limited to the following: embezzlement; influence peddling; refusal to abide by or not comply with the conflict of interest law, open meeting law, public records law, rules and regulations thereto, and the by-laws of the town of Sandwich which pertains to same; destruction or alteration of public records; nepotism; conviction for a felony; failure to perform the duties of the elected office; or other willful acts of omission or commission which betray the public trust.


A recall petition shall be initiated by request of 10 qualified voters. The recall petition shall be signed by 25 per cent of the qualified voters and returned within 20 days in accordance with chapter 408 of the acts of 1987

Anonymous said...

The rest of the recall procedure is part of state law (ch 40B of 1987) and he actually linked to it on the left side of this page. Or see:

The tough part is that after you get 3,500 + signatures -- you need a local election with a 40% turn-out to make it happen. No easy trick.

Anonymous said...

OMG Bob you make us laugh with this hilarious blog we don't know what is funnier Linehan picture flappin her hands or the turtle on a fence post pic....... you are hilarious!

Keep up the hilarious work. We can only hope one of the 4 devious woman resign soon and save the school children!