Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Superintendent's Evaluation? Huh?

Tonight's SC agenda includes an item labelled  "Superintendent's Evaluation".

I can't bear to watch a meeting live --- I need to be able to Fast Forward !  I can't imagine what they're evaluating -- they already fired her!!!   Have they got that much free time that they can do evaluations of people they have already dismissed?

And ... even overlooking that gap in logic... why do an eval now?  She was evaluated on April 28 -- they could watch that meeting online if they truly don't  remember doing it!

Are they that desperate for another diversion ?


Anonymous said...

Next meeting Sherry will be asking Dr. Young questions about her new Technology Director. Jess will be paying lots of attention because in her heart she really wants to say YES. And, Marie will, of course, be focused on the numbers.

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker once again watched last nights meeting of our School Committee. Bob when it was through, the message I took away was it would seem that we are on a collision course with a purposful education system here in Sandwich to one where it is no longer about the children at all. Each meeting is overshadowed by dialog that lurks in the shadows of dispair and gloom for every child here in Sandwich.

Valuable time is being wasted by the inability of the present Chair to even control her own adgenda driven policy making. One member sat all night at the end of the table with out a word during the important parts of the dialogs and with out warning starts a coversation about a $30,000 job and how it may affect the overall budget ? She does not offer any reason other then I would like to see it written down on some paper, so that I can get a better understanding of what we just approved at the last minutes, Of course the big flapper chimes in with the same speach. Why did you approve the minutes of the meetings when this has been spoken too for severel meetings, where any one with any common sense, would not? The focal point for both of these folks has nothing to do with what they do not know, rather what they do know.
They know by continuing to harrass the good work of the Superindentent, that they do not have to discuss the real problems facing our school district and some how a magic wand will make it all go away.

Perhaps it will, after all, Selectman Pierce stated last night that the town has plenty of free cash on hand????? If we have so much free cash on hand , why are we attempting to pass an overide onto the tax payers of Sandwich?

In closing, what we have is a school committee that is geared toward destroying the educational process here in Sandwich. The very process we all voted them in to improve and get us into the next levels of learning, has gone by the wayside to an intrenched vendetta union led retribution.

Why should we support this type of process with free cash? I know I will not. How about you?

Anonymous said...

CYA time, cover your ass time. Now that a lawsuit for breach of contract, slander/defamation of Dr. Johnson reputation is at their door as well as a promise to sue them from the citizens of Sandwich.

So why have they put the Supers evaluation on the agenda, Why? Just 6 months after the glowing evaluation she already received from the prior board.
6 months ago, Marshall and Linehan said they didn't personally like Dr. Johnson in the evaluation meeting, but both refused to put any valid concerns regarding her work product in writing on the evaluation. Why? They didn't have any valid reasons and knew they could be held accountable if they fabricated reasons and put it on her evaluation.

It's obvious this is there way of fabricating excuses to have fired Dr. Johnson, they are trying to create evidence to present for their defense of their actions for the lawsuits. They also enjoy publically smearing Dr. Johnson with trivial, rumor fueled, can't disclose my reasons (Crossman). They just can't help themselves, they are actually creating more evidence that Dr. Johnson's attorney will use against the 4 stooges at the civil trial for damages.
Forest Gump: Stupid is as Stupid does.

Anonymous said...

This would be funny -- if it was in Mashpee. Unfortunately, my kids are stuck in this zoo and we have little hope of selling the house in gthe very near future.

Anonymous said...

12:58 Print out a few of the petitions and network with parents to get as many signatures as you can to force the 4 stooges to look at their witch hunt ways. Then say a prayer that one of them would do the right thing and resign off the committee for the sake of the children and the town. Plus they are gonna be sued personally.

The apathy in town better change or this dysfunctional insanity will continue.
Who are they going to replace the super with? What is their plan, they are so dug in, it's obvious they have another person lined up to take the super job. Rick Reino, Peter Cannone, Kathy Heras, Bradshaw, Dr. Young again, or maybe someone from the union leadership? Anyone who will stamp their approval on the union running the schools.

ricksabetta said...

how could we let a less qualified bunch be in charge of our childrens education??? Oh thats right, hardly anyone in this town bothered to VOTE!!!!! Well I hope that this wont happen again in May as we begin to fix the mess that the not so fantastic four are creating. Shame on US Sandwich!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ricksabetta we need two candidates to knock Marshall off 20 year stale seat! Susko I hear is not running again. Can you run for Marshall's seat?
We need people to step up and fix our school board. Kicking Stale Sherry off for good is the first step.

ricksabetta said...

Anonymous 939.....I have been asked that question before and have the same reply....My wife is a teacher in the system and I chose not to face that ethical dilemma. Some on the current board have chosen to face that issue and have succeded and some have not succeeded very well.....Thank you but I dont want to go there. There are many more qualified than I...we just need to get people out to vote in may and get one of them(or or more accurately, as you stated , two of them) elected. We can be lethargic no more!!!

Sandy from Revere ... said...

I bet you may need to fill more than 2 seats. Even if one of the dolts doesn't decide to bail out early, Cahill or Killion may be getting tired of beating their heads against the desk!

The other place that is going to need bodies is at the BOS -- do you think Barrette or Kennan want to waste any more time shoveling shit against the tide ? How many times can yiu discuss raising the price of the dump sticker -- or beach parking!!

It will be even more interesting when Grundman bails out of the BOS to make a move for School Committee! That will leave Pierce & Vitacco to save the day!