Wednesday, October 06, 2010

This Week's Red Herrings

So, I'm flicking around the cable channels during a commercial break from "Dog The Bounty Hunter" and I saw someone flapping her hands like a spastic squirrel who seemed to be asking a question -- although she didn't seem to understand her own question -- let alone the answer to it!! 

Then I recognized that voice.

It was Linehan questioning the Superintendent's judgement regarding the concept of the District being paid to utilize otherwise empty seats to educate students from other Districts.  Her thought was if the average per pupil spending was $11,000 then we could be "defeating our purpose" by bringing in extra kids at $5,000 each.  

What our little friend couldn't comprehend -- despite having it explained to her three times tonight, was that the $11K is an average cost --- adding 1-2 kids to an existing classroom costs almost nothing -- same room, same heat, same lights, same teacher, etc.  There is a minor cost for some supplies -- worksheets, perhaps some worksheets, paper towels or toilet paper  (kids already bring their own kleenex, handsoap, pens, pencils, etc.!) -- but that's it!

The funny thing is that all this was already explained to her last year when she voted to join the School Choice program!!!

I couldn't take it anymore .... I switched channels to "Mythbusters"!

But, just like staring at a bad accident on the highway, at the next commercial I found myself again flicking back to see if anything had gotten better.   The Committee was discussing the fact that the budget deficit appears to be approaching $3 million next year and after much discussion, the Administration had only found $320,000 in staffing cuts so far.

And then it happened.  Again.  The topic of discussion shifted to transportation costs. The hand flapping started up and Linnehan was again questioning the amount of money that was being saved by bringing SPED transportation services in-house.  She wanted a more detailed analysis of all the costs involved.  Apparently she thinks there is a secret budget somewhere? (or she doesn't understand the budget report she has?)  She complained that she has been asking for this info for a year but has gotten no response.  In reality, we already went through this same bullshit last year.

As Andrea Killion pointed out ---" we need to cut $3 million and you want to argue AGAIN about whether we SAVED $270,000 or $260,000 ?"

Does anybody think its a coincidence that Linehan was Sandwich's representative to the Cape Cod Collaborative -- the group that had been so grossly over-charging the District for transportation services?  She didn't seem as concerned about THEIR detailed costs!

Does anybody think it's a coincidence that she only does this crap on camera?  Members seeking to gain an understanding of a subject usually have discussions or meetings with the Superintendent and/or Business Manager prior to meetings -- very efficient and usually made the public meetings go much smoother -- but certainly not as  theatrical as just showing up to read prepared statements on-camera!!

We're now looking at a $3 million deficit next year.  The District is facing one lawsuit from the former Assistant Superintendent and will likely be facing a second lawsuit from the soon-to-be-former Superintendent.  And, the Teachers' contract remains unsettled.  And, there will be no Override.

BIG PICTURE, kids!  We need to be focussing on the Big Picture!!


Anonymous said...

No thanks, I'd rather have those seats empty at full price!

Serioulsy, it's a wonder we get out of district students to even consider coming here.

Steve Susko

Anonymous said...

It's too bad election fraud isn't illegal. It would be fun to watch some of last years "Accountability Queens" doing The Perp Walk into the courthouse for prosecution!!

They are so far over their heads !

Anonymous said...

But ... She's doing it for the Chiiiiildren !
OK... and the union. Stop picking on her!

What happened to Linehan's job at the Forestdale School? I know she worked there for two days before walking out and never coming back -- then she ran for School Committee. Seems like she must have a giant ax to grind with somebody!!

Anonymous said...

Richard Augustine promised to file a class action suit to sue Marshall, Linehan, Crossman and Kangas personally? It is about time someone did something about this conflicted and incompetant board. Where can we all sign up?
Too bad some just don't see the writing on the wall and resign and do it for the sake of the children!

Anonymous said...

I watched the meeting on Wednesday and my head was spinning by the end. I try not to watch too much of a meeting at any one time because of this ridiculousness. Someone told me about this blog after I was telling them how disgusted I am with the School Committee and they suggested that I go to this blog.

These four people are UNBELIEVABLE. They are so out of touch with what the taxpayers and parents of this town want. What will it take for them to realize that people want this circus with Dr. Johnson to be over and to move on to the business that needs to be attended to? They are wasting time and money (including mine). Something needs to be done about this situation!