Monday, October 11, 2010

FinCom Discussion ... from that mayo jar on Funk & Wagnall's back porch...

Probably one of the more interesting relationships in local government is between the Finance Committee and the School Committee.

Under Town Charter, FinCom is charged with reviewing the entire Town/School Budget.  But, under state law, Town Meeting establishes only the total dollar value of the school budget  and the School Committee decides how those dollars are allocated between individual budget lines.  The School Comittee is also free to change those allocations at will (following a vote at a proper public meeting, of course!).

FinCom could always recommend to Town Meeting that they cut the school budget by $X -- but neither Town Meeting, nor FinCom can tell the School Committee where to make that cut.

Any effort by FinCom to question individual school programs was usually met with the sentiment that the School Committee was elected to represent the taxpayers and students and provide programs that met State and Federal programs and that the School Committee spends the entire year working on its programs.  The FinCom, on the other hand, was appointed at the sole discretion of the Town Moderator to look at the budget and spends, maybe, a week with the school budget.

This would certainly be an important function if used to help allocate dollars between all school/town functions.  However, the actual allocation of budget dollars between school and general government has already been done by the Selectmen -- AND the allocation of dollars between school programs can only be done by the School Committee. 

Because this structure effectively neuters FinCom's ability to make changes to the school budget -- short of proposing an entirely different budget separate from the one proposed by the BOS -- too often meetings between the FinCom and School Committee have served as bully pulpits for those with personal agendas.

In the past, unfounded rumors and "informal" on-camera discussions of school issues frequently occurred without school reps present.  These discussions were duly reported in the "local media" and given the appearance of valid discussion points.  The fact that many of these past discussions frequently involved a FinCom member who was also the spouse of a teachers union rep were rarely, if ever noted

The issue was raised occasionally that the Schools should have someone at every FinCom Meeting in the event there's a school question -- I once agreed with that -- but after noting the amount of time School Committee members already spend (or SHOULD spend!) on School Business every week -- I think it would be unreasonable to expect them  to standby in a meeting JUST IN CASE somebody had a question -- or a rumor to vent.

Last year, The Chairs and Vice Chairs of the BOS, School Committee, and FinCom had planned to meet on a regular basis to discuss common issues and expedite questions or further analysis of issues as needed.  But, FinCom board members chose not to participate -- so their representatives withdrew from the joint meetings.  (Maybe they though cooperation was a BAD thing?)

All that being said, few believe "Government by Ambush" is an effective style of management.  It is essential that FinCom develop an understanding of the budget.  Ideally, they need to be involved early in the budget process.   They also need a very clear and concise budget presentation from the School Committee and the Superintendent.  The presentations have gotten better over the years but there is always room for improvement:  This presentation  needs to be:
  • Brief
  • Mathematically Correct
  • Without pictures of smiling kids !
  • Without the phrase "Together we can"  (Deval also lied when said he would increase local aid and cut taxes!!)
  • Understood by the School Committee (glazed expressions not helpful). 
That last point is crucial -- especially this year.  The Committee MUST participate in the FinCom discussion -- it's their budget.

In the best tradition of Carnac the Magnificent, here are my predictions of the questions and what I think should be the answers from Tuesday night's FinCom-School Committee Meeting:

Q:  Was there a surplus in the School Budget for FY '10 and how much are we getting back?

A:  There is never a surplus in the School Budget.  Under Mass law, SPED tuition for the coming fiscal year may be paid out of the current fiscal year's funds -- if any are available.  The state allows this because SPED costs can easily cripple a school budget on short notice.  This also reduces the likelihood the schools will have to slash services mid-year or request an emergency transfer later to cover a mandated cost.

Q:  What about the teachers contract?

A:  Still under negotiation, we can't discuss outside of an Executive session -- except to say the current budget projection assumes $500K for previously contracted step, lane and longevity increases and 0% for Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA).

Q: Does the union realize that the current contractual step, lane & longevity increases far exceeds most private sector COLA's (which have been almost non-existent over the past two years.).

A:  I assume that is a rhetorical question?

Q:  Does the projected budget deficit include anything to cover the costs of the Minkoff lawsuit?

A:  We can not discuss existing litigation outside of Executive Session ---  but there is no provision in the budget for any Minkoff settlement (litigation costs are currently being covered by insurance) in either the current FY '11 budget, or the budget now under construction for FY '12.

Q:  What about the Johnson case?  How does the Committee propose to fund the cost of defending the District and/or the cost of defending the District?

A:  We can not discuss potential litigation outside of Executive Session.  There is no provision in the current year budget for potential litigation AND/OR superintendent search expenses.  We have not determined how they would be funded.

Q:  Every year Town Meeting approves a school budget, but every year the Schools change it.  How is that possible?

A:  Because, as we say every year, Town Meeting approves a single, total dollar value.  By law, only the School Committee can break that total into individual budget lines.  The School Committee regularly makes transfers within its budget lines by votes at public meeting.  BUT there is no change in the total dollars approved by Town Meeting.

Q:   Since 1902, Net School Spending has increased by 15,234% (Make up your own year and increase -- it doesn't matter!),  How can you justify that?

A:  Well, Bill, when you were a selectman the formula used to calculate NSS was changed to add greater value to local municipal contributions to the school (ie. value of police, fire, DPW, Accounting, etc.).  This helped reduce the risk of the state claiming we were not meeting spending requirements.  I don't disagree with the method --- but it is impossible to accurately compare pre-2005 NSS numbers with the current year.

But, you raise a good question -- because the NSS formula has not been reviewed or re-calculated in several years.  I think a joint committee between all three Committees should be formed to review the historical charges and make revisions as appropriate.


Anonymous said...

Sherry has never cared a lick about how the school budget affects the town. She plays the game, but has never given a rats ass, her famous line is "that's town monies" after 20 yrs she still doesn't comprehend all the money comes out of the same pair of pants, just different pockets. The past 5 months has been painful, watch the next 5 months thru the 3 Million deficit discussions, 85% NON VOTERS NO COMPLAINING! Remain on your couches like you did last elections and shut your mouths!

Anonymous said...

There's no doubt these idiots are going to make a bad situation so much worse -- fast.

Koenig was a selectman back in the days when the town motto was "No Business Here". New people took over and she started bitchung at them as a cranky columnist for the Emptyprize Fish Wrapper--- but sheri's still here !

maybe judy should run for selectmen again ... that woukd be a sure sign of the apocalypse!

Anonymous said...

Anon 10:13pm
I thought I would comment on your tirade.It may be the same pants but it is allocated from differant pockets. I believe that the distinction she is making. If she didn't give a rats ass why would she spend 20 years doing a non paying job and put up with the bs that goes on. She comprehends the whole picture that town politics brings. I bet she could write a book on all the players and their positive and negative contributions to the town

Anonymous said...

Bob: You are right to call out Fin Com as a weak link in our town’s governance process. This board is regularly filled with know nothing blow hards and worse, uber-conservative anti school ranters. This Board has never made an effort to understand and assist.

How about this? Why the hell does this Board continue to let Bud and the Schools skate on the union contracts issue? There isn’t a town labor contract that does not grow at 5.5% a year! This in a town where tax revenue grows at 3.5% or less! This is the structural deficit and these folks never discuss it and never hold the Town Manager, Selectmen and School Committees accountable for this idiocy!

Anonymous said...

Anon 9:33 Great question why would she stay on a board for 20 years for no money and all the bs.
Maybe she doesn't have a personal life?
We would guess she is protecting all her old friends in town, SEA Union and Community School pool people.

After observing the school committee for many years it obvious, Sherry stays on the fence,recites the same old mantra year after year regarding the budget (under the radar, ignores emails, phone calls reporters)

The best one was when she had no clue how much it cost to hire an employee, meanwhile she and her committees over the past 20 yrs hired hundreds of teachers based on nepotisum, family friends etc.

Still 20 years later, she is still in way over her head as far as understanding the budget.
Sherry was into protecting the Community School Executive counsel friends, sat back and watch them run their own show, watch them break laws too, when the school comm should have been supervising and signing off on the financials

Her mantra every year is "we can't lose teachers" Shame on her for her 20 years of shoddy work for our school children.

Anonymous said...

I am sure somebody else will say this also -- but the School Committee hasntt been involved in hiring teachers -- that's the principal/supt's job.

Anonymous said...

In all fairness to Sherry, She never forced anyone to vote for her. She was elected fair and square every time.

Maybe if the folks with all the answers actually ran for the office (or even actually showed up to vote) -- things would be different!

Sherry has always defended the Community School and supported the Teachers Union -- she was a member of the Board back in the days when the motto was "eliminate everything except (union) teaching jobs".

Crossman is obviously there solely to defend the Community School (and as a paid employee of the Community School) but she seems to side with the teachers union whenever t will hurt the people putting pressure on HER Community School.

The other two bimbos just make noise and seem to be there for the sole purpose of arguing with the Superintendent and supporting union issues.

At least Kanagaroo seems to have figured out she is in way over her head and has tended to shut up lately --- leni-hen just keeps clucking away and flapping her wings.

I'd love to see Cahill duck tape her to a chair away from the camera!

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would ask , did any one wittness the last Finance Comm. Meeting about the schools budget.? Did our Chairman of the Union led school committee ever speak in regards to the cash flow problems the School is facing? The part I watched seemed to have our Chair lady in some sort of trance as the Dr Johnson was explaining all the questions being asked by the Finance Committee.

It was rather refreshing to see that at least Dr Johnson was able to compute the numbers a\ whole lot better then the past Super who seemed to make 2 plus 2 come out 5 ,10 or errors far greater. Now I wonder, who led the committee to hire the past super, before Dr Johnson ?

To think she must be asking herself what did I do to the town by leading the charge to not engage Dr> Johnson for two more years after she had a legal contract signed by the previous School committee.

She looked completly lost as she was listing to all the explainations by DR.Johnson. Does she not realize the damage to the schools and the town she has helped to place in harms way by her actions?

The Truth Maker

Anonymous said...

We can only hope that one or two of the 4 stooges resigns finally for the school children and our town's sake.

Anonymous said...

The Supt's presentation looked a little better this year ... not great -- but better.

Where the hell was the School Committee? The great watchdogs of accountability seemed to be sleeping under the porch. Maybe they had to get their rabies shots that night?

Anonymous said...

Budget season's gonna be a nice change from the last 6 months circus shows of blah blah blah. Bet we will finally hear crickets (silence) from the 4 stooges for the next few months.

Sherry/Chairwoman appeared to be a deer caught in highbeams at the Fin Com meeting, where was Linehan and her flappin hands and endless stupid questions.

Make lots of popcorn and beverages, we are gonna need it!