Monday, October 04, 2010

Community School Audit -- Update.

I'd like to make a motion ...
The School Committee has removed discussion of the Community School Audit from this week's agenda.  They needed more time to review it.

Apparently the last three years wasn't long enough.

OK, I'm being mean-spirited and cynical -- but this is not rocket science.  Three basic rules:

1.  If you use it -- it is an expense
2.  Your expenses can not exceed your income
3.  The School budget is for teaching kids in K-12


Waterlogged said...

Watch out for those little wet footprints on the rug from the Barnstable, Mashpee and Falmouth seniors trekking upstairs from the pool to the library to bitch at those evil school committee people for threatening to close THEIR pool.

Why shouldn't Sandwich taxpayers pay for swimmers from neighboring towns> It takes a village goddamnit!!

Oh, the evil ones are gone? Sandwich taxpayers will continue to pay for part of our swimming? Isn't that nice!!

Now, we'd like to discuss a rate reduction -- these pool prices are way too high!! I'm on a fixed income you know!!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand what your problem with the community school is. It's a public service -- it's not meant to make money. Does Sandwich make a profit from Beach or dump stickers?

I've taken several courses there and have used the pool frequently -- I wish we had a similar program in Bourne.

Anonymous said...

Make money? this point breaking even would suffice.

Anonymous said...

Community school is wonderful resource, but hasn't sustained itself for years and took our children's educational dollars to prop it up.
No wonder our classrooms were bare, no new books, teachers and parents had to buy their own basic supplies. Shut down the areas of the Community school programs that don't generate a profit to keep that program sustained.

Business approach not emotional approaches needed to clean up several messes in our schools. 2.4 deficit, super contract validity, community school downsizing to only programs that are viable, drain the pool if it can't sustain itself.

Being on the School board isn't to maintain old friendships and interests, your job is to advocate for the children and schools regardless of your personal friendships and interests. Dump all your special interest groups and friends and do the right thing for our kids!!!!

Anonymous said...

And now the coven is stirring the pot to buy the Super out by Dec of this year. That's a GREAT idea -- Marie can probably do the budget herself, remember her platform, she knows where the fat is. Time to trim $2.5 mil -- no problem! Linehan's gonna save a boatload on toner for us and I have absolutely no doubt that Crossman has a plan to make the pool profitable! I also have the utmost confidence that Mrs. Marshall will rally one of her gold star search committees to help Peter Cannone find our new interim Super! It's all good, I feel better already . . . where is that FOR SALE sign I had in the garage????

Anonymous said...

Cannone won't be searching for a new Supt very hard ... he's already angling for Sheri to annoint him as the Interim Supt!!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fabulous idea, Anon 10:09! Who would have seen that coming, except maybe EVERYONE IN TOWN!!!! Unbelievable -- lets see, what were our test scores as a result of the Canone days and exactly why did he leave in such a hurry?????

Bob Simmons said...

Somebody had requested a "year by year" analysis of Community School costs and any offsetting "in kind" contributions.

Here's what wasn't contributed:

Facilities rental revenue to the Community School 100%; reimbursement to District for related maintenance and operating costs $0.

Pool revenue to the Community School 100%, utility reimbursement to the School District (prior to 2009) = $0.

The concept of "in kind" payment was based on grossly inflated numbers that were used to reduce public scrutiny and budgetary control.
Based on your experience with the Community School, maybe you could try to cost justify those.

There are no "wild assumptions". The audit report is pretty clear -- and echoes exactly what some school committee members have been saying for the past three years.

Anonymous said...

Why does the Community School need two Directors? If they're losing money, that would seem to be a good fix.

Why can't the School Business Manager oversee the business side and the remaining Director do the program management?

Something has got to give.

Anonymous said...

Is that picture supposed to be linnehan? It certainly capture her hand flapping! (The less she understands what she's talking about -- the more her hands flap!!)

Anonymous said...

Each and every time I click this blog, I am confronted with adult bullying. Is it any wonder this problem is pervasive in our schools? Who is repairing our damaged children?

Anonymous said...

You should probably stop clicking this blog. Then, you could pour yourself a glass of warm milk, wrap yourself in a quilt, clutch your little dog, click your heels and chant "home to Kansas ..."

Seriously, whose job is it to repair YOUR "damaged" children?

If it really takes a village -- we are going to have a problem --- we're going to have trouble getting the village to teach our kids to read --- let alone shield them fromn harsh opinions!!\\

If people can't stand the heat, they shouldn't run for office -- particularly if they aren't qualified for the job.

JTD said...

I will admit that this blog goes negative often and is very blunt but bullying? Really?
Since when is expressing opinions based on fact bullying? Since when is telling the truth bullying? Almost every article on this blog is substantiated and supported by data, facts, newspaper articles, town budgets and even independent audit paperwork.
If someone decides to run for public office and become a public person and then is shown to be: incompetent, illogical, self centered and or just plain dumb and someone says so is that really bullying?

Anonymous said...

It took 3years to get the audit. Why did we need the audit to fix things as it was stated the previous sc chairs new there was a prolbem but did not fix anything. Just call for an audit. The Audit is 3 weeks old and your questioning why more time is needed to correct things. Nice logic there.

Anonymous said...

Telling the truth as who see's it.Every opinions based on facts please go back and read comments that accuse sc members of everything under the sun. If you can't take the time and reread them.I
will be more than happy to print some ot the facts as you put it that have been stated about the sc new members. From the chair on they have been accused of things that are not true

Anonymous said...

You tell 'em, Marie !!

And dont be wastin no more money on writin classses!

The Truth Maker said...

The Truth Maker would ask the person who posted on 10/6 at 1.52 Pm

One might say, that you do not agree with all of the negativity in reguards to the Union led four School members who have placed our town in dire straights by there actions?

Perhaps then, you may elaborate as to the reasoning they decided to make this ill fated decision that show, they do not care about the very children here in Sandwich, by the vote they made.

The longer this plays out, the most likly each of them may be placing our SCHOOL DISTRICT in further discourse. All it takes is for one to step up to the plate and ask for a reconsideration of the vote to place some positive spin to your post and believe me you will do a great service to the community of Sandwich and the future of our children, by this bold step into an ethical solution of the situation at hand.

Anonymous said...

5 months later, Marshall, Linehan Crossman & Kangas have not logically and rationally concluded they made a huge fiancial mistake with their breach of contract vote.

Easiest Solution: One of them should dig deep find the courage and logic to place a motion to accept and validate Dr. Johnson's two year contract signed by the prior board and be professional and work positively with Dr. Johnson for the next two years. Do it for our children, not your husband, friends or union buddies.

RETAKE THE VOTE OR RESIGN! This board only needs one of the four to make the motion and change their vote for the sake of our children, not Laura Carlisle's Union or the Comm. school gang.
How do these four women sleep at night knowing the damage they are doing to our children and school system's reputation? People from other towns keep saying what a witch hunt going on in Sandwich, what's happening to your schools. We have become the laughing stock of the whole cape regarding our school system.