Friday, October 29, 2010

No More Community Auditions!

The School Committee met with two Headhunters on Wednesday night to discuss the search for a new Superintendent -- The Gang of Four seems pretty determined that there will be a new Superintendent next year -- apparently, even if that does mean writing the existing Supt. a Really Big Check to pay-off her previously-approved contract!! (and writing some other pretty big ones to her lawyers, the Schools', and the Town's!).

Interestingly, Cape Cod Collaborative pulled out of the running for the headhunting assignment. Many will remember that CCC has been at odds with the Sandwich Schools since Dr. Johnson pointed out that she could save over more than $1 million over a three year period by purchasing 3-4 vans and taking over some SPED transport services which drastically reduced payments to the Collaborative, but also seriously decreased costs to Sandwich taxpayers.   (This was the issue that Linehan had her knickers in a twist about -- she is still convinced that the savings are overstated because some costs must be hidden somewhere -- maybe they're being paid from the Community School account!)

In the "Isn't it a Small World Department", Peter Cannone is one of the lead consultants at CCC and a former Sandwich Superintendent.  I never met the man, but I saw him on TV addressing the Selectmen and complaining that he was being vilified by Dr. Young, the School Committee and the State's EQA Audit which said the District  lacked consistent curriculum, professional development, etc.  Sherry Marshall has also quoted Cannone for years when arguing against change, and discussing how things "used to be" .   'Nuff said?

Not that my endorsement means a damn thing -- but I was very pleased to see the Mass.  Association of School Committees as a finalist.  MASC has been an important source of information for School Committee members for years.  Jim Hardy from MASC has been working with Sandwich for almost two years re-writing the Committee's policy manual in an effort to get it into compliance with current educational regulations, labor laws, and good management practices.  

I suspect Jim has had plenty of local "input" on the current state of affairs in Sandwich and, I'm sure, some of the past personnel fiascoes.  Unlike the last amateur search committee, the MASC should be able to ascertain some appropriately qualified candidates for the Committee to chose from.  (I can not imagine choosing the highest paid employee in Town using a group of volunteers who might as well be judging "Community Auditions" with Dave Maynard!).

How much will we be budgeting for search-related expenses in the current year?  (and where will we find the money?)

It will be interesting to see how the search contract gets worded.  We still have someone sitting in the Supt. seat -- who will be on the hook for aborted search expenses in the event the current Superintendent remains the current Superintendent?

Speaking of employment expenses, what about Minkoff?  A case was filed -- has the School Committee established a reserve fund for legal costs and/or a potential settlement or damages.  That could very likely be payable during the current fiscal year?

This would be more fun to watch -- if it wasn't threatening my Kids' educations -- or my tax bill.

1 comment:

JTD said...

Even great managers (or Superintendents) need great bosses.

You cant underestimate or overstate how important competent, capable leaders are to successful organizations, like armies, technology companies or school systems.

This search process is likely to produce some terrific candidates. And, its quite possible we’ll even hire an out-of-this-world Superintendent.

Problem is: the School Committee is comprised of overly meddlesome, not too bright, volunteers with little to no applicable managerial skills and experiences and, these folks are suppose to be Leaders.

Employees need good leaders and do best with great leaders. Not even great employees can overcome or undo bad leadership and its pretty damn hard to search for and hire Great.

Good or bad, the results of this Superintendent search alone wont fix what’s wrong with our school system. Somebody’s got to fix the School Committee too.