Saturday, October 23, 2010

Is it funny, sad or wrong? (Guest Column by Cranky Yankee II)

Many people are just fed-up with the incompetence, stupidity, and short-sightedness that have ruled this end of the Cape for far too long. Some of these folks, however, are far too polite to actually say it out loud -- they have to deal with the idiots on a regular basis. For those folks, we offer the NotThePTA Witness Protection Program -- we know who they are and you don't!

So how does this differ from the Nancy Crossman witness protection program where she is willing to fire people but not say what she heard, or who she heard it from (until the subpoena arrives!)? Easy -- the "staff" of NotThePTA is not elected and we aren't spending YOUR tax dollars. You don't need to listen to us, we have no ability to spend your money or ruin your child's education -- although we can make damn sure that people know about it when we think somebody else is messing with your kids, or your tax dollars!

With that feeling of benevolence, we offer the following guest column:

Is it funny, sad or wrong? 

Judy Koenig, crack newspaper columnist, superlative investigative journalist and ultimate Townie writes the following in this week’s regular and cliche riddled rant against the Superintendent and our schools: .....“Yet the Superintendent still claims the department needs an annual increase of 6% just to meet contractual obligations.” “Something doesn’t gel here." 

Does ace reporter and former Selectmen Koenig really not understand that the teachers union contract obligations (steps, salary adjustments and longevity pay) grow at nearly 6% a year? I'll bet she does, but doesn't care to share those facts.

Former Selectmen and crack columnist Koenig is right about the fact that something doesn’t gel; its her columns and opinions. 

Hey Judy, where’s your criticism of the teachers union leadership and their contract demands? Where’s your criticism of the current School Committee for still not having settled these contracts? Where’s you appreciation of the Superintendent for operating the schools with 0%, 1% and 1.5% budget increases while teachers pay grew at nearly 6% a year crippling our school budget and our Town’s Finances? Where’s your criticism of the Community School Executive Council and the Community School for the years of mismanagement and illegal contract authorizations which were reported in the recent independent audit?

Maybe you could write a column about all of the commercial development that you "saved" us from while you were a member of the Board of Selectmen -- that seems to have worked out real well for everyone! Well, at least we have the Power Plant! Oh ... maybe not.

Getting it right has never been former Selectmen Koenig’s specialty; and, since the Editors of the Enterprise do not seem to let the absence of fact or truth preclude them from publishing Judy, readers of the Enterprise would be best served by skipping over “Inside Out” and going straight to Sports or the Obituaries both of which are more often based somewhat closer to reality. 


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness for this blog that reassures me that I am not the one that is nuts in this town! I keep hoping that one day soon the people who are running this town will go away and people with just a tiny bit of common sense, logic, and intelligence will take over.

The Truth Maker said...

One must understand that when the lady in question was serving as a Selectman in out fair town it was the will of the people not to have any type of riff raff come into town and set up shop.

This would be a bad thing for the economic development of our town and we wanted so much to give this appearance that we had an influentional well heeled population that lived here. Among those that carried the mantle to not allow a commercial base was the person in question above. This decision has cost the town of Sandwich ever since it was made and from where I am posting it still exist today among some of the historic banner wavers, that think we can get by economically without adding some low life commercial business to set up shop.

Rest assured Bobby the world outside of Sandwich is watching this funny farm of what some call economic development, here in Sandwich. Many ideas have been presented on this topic over the years, on how economic development will aid us in our dilemma. The great Golden Triangle was our savior, but so many people decided they wanted a piece of the pie and what one thought was a good idea, others disagreed. Now we still have a lot of land that sits idle and fruitless.

Thousands of man hours by well intentioned taxpayer could not break the strangle hold of political will that really does not want to develope this for commercial based business.

Bobby I would agree with the writer "Outside In" would be a better title as Judy really is looking from the outside and does not have a clue as to what is going on inside.

One can not blame the paper, as this is a free society and we all are free to make comments, even if the truth is not spoken or in print. You need to understand that it takes a little work to comprehend facts and still compute them so that you can report on them. It is a whole lot easier to just make up the facts on the go and hope no one is the wiser.

Anonymous said...

Koenig needs to go away. She has been a joke for years - her sour, nasty, ill-informed drivel blows with the wind. First she hates the schools, then she doesn't, then she does again ... Same thing with her opinion of the Selectmen.

She probably swims in the CS pool.

Just ignore her -- almost everybody else does!

Anonymous said...

Koening has been able to write her foolish baseless columns for years. Everyone we know reads her columns for the distortions and laughs. Unfortunately, the 4 stooges have fallen into the same category of clowns, but they control 30 million taxdollars and our children's educations! Town meeting say no to everything, I hope the petition volunteers show up otherwise the apathy in this town has taken over.

Anonymous said...

I used to watch the SC meetings from time-to-time and started watching them on regular basis last summer. It is reality television. Many of the elements are present: deceit, intrigue, retribution, anger, among many others.

The "shows" provoke many reactions among viewers: frustration, anger, laughter (at stupid statements and request), cynicism, it can bring you close to tears, fear, the list can go on and on. The overwhelming majority of the "entertainment" (for lack of a better term) comes from, as they have been dubbed by others, the "four stooges."

While the production costs of this entertainment are relatively low, the true cost is our children's education and the financial stability (what's left it anyway) of the town. IT'S PATHETIC!

Anonymous said...

Exactly. There are some there I wouldn't trust to run the register in my store --- let alone mind my kids!

And somebody thought they were good candidates? What's worse is I actually voted for 1 of the clowns (it seemed like a good idea at the time!!)

Anonymous said...

Sad, and oh so wrong! (Not seeing much funny in this mess.)